Veneration Without Understanding Summary

Veneration Without Understanding Summary

Renato constantino veneration without understanding reaction

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1. Renato constantino veneration without understanding reaction


thanks for the points points

2. what is your interpretation of Renato Constantino's "Veneration without understanding?​


i dont know what is veneration without understanding

3. what is your interpretation of Renato Constantino's " Veneration without Understanding"?​


Without Understanding answers whether or not Rizal deserves to be our national hero by understanding his nature historically. From Rizal’s reformist ideologies, racial aspirations, definition of liberty to his battle towards Filipinos’ freedom, the paper provides an in-depth analysis on how we could learn from Rizal's limitations and use it for our development. Aside from that, Constantino tends to challenge his readers to be critical in attributing our history and the works of people behind it.

When heard of the word “Rizal,” we always think of the person who died to free us, the exceptional human being, the Filipino Christ, or the great of the greatest that most of us aspire to be. This is society’s twisted mentality resulting from distorted ideas written in Philippine textbooks that are taught in secondary and even in tertiary education. There is, however, more to Rizal than what we already know about him. We fail to recognize that just like us, Rizal was a human. He made mistakes and he had his own weaknesses.

Some would argue that Constantino was trying to give Bonifacio a spotlight. But I do not think he was. He was simply trying to elaborate how shallow our knowledge about Rizal is and how this ignorance can be used to relate to challenges we are now going through – abhorring colonial mentality, attaining national identity, and yearning for independence. To say the least, Constantino was merely saying that social demands change overtime and so, we do not need to fully rely on Rizal’s national goals alone. We should learn from the weaknesses of great men and women of our history just like how we looked up to their strengths.

Everyone deserves the highest honour because everyone is capable of doing whatever we think is the best. The main question is not really whether or not Rizal deserves to be a national hero but rather “Is it necessary to have one National Hero?” Andres Bonifacio had his own setbacks, as well as Gabriela Silang, Heneral Antonio Luna, Apolinario Mabini, and all the great men and great women in our history. Each plays an important role in our history and yes, these heroes did what were needed for the betterment of our country. They did whatever they thought will be the good for all people during their time and they succeeded in their own way. They did it with courage when no one else could. If that is so, then what difference does it make if we only give the highest recognition to one person when there were thousands of people who worked hand-in-hand to develop the concept of a nation?

Rizal was a necessary movement. The first letter in the alphabet. The alpha. A moment in our history. But he was not just like that. He is the embodiment that we, younger generations, have the responsibility to finish what he started along with Bonifacio and the heroes after them. They shed blood for this nation and for future generations. They have molded us in every way they can. The future now depends solely on our hands and how we make good use of their strengths as well as their weaknesses.

4. 10. erected to venerate or remember ancestors​


veneration of the dead

5. Similarity between veneration without understanding and who made jose rizal our foremost national hero and why


Who made Rizal the foremost hero of the Philippines? NO SINGLE PERSON OR GROUPS OF PERSONS •Rizal himself, his own people and the foreigners all together contributed to make him the greatest hero and martyr of his people. National Heroes Committee (1993)



6. We venerate God. True or false? Explain.​


Some people do not give God the respect that he deserves. Because some people swear against him and some people say that he is not real and some people cuss him out. So it is between true and false.


7. Why do Catholics venerate Mary as the Mother of God?​


Individuals declaring their "entrustment" to Mary seek her intercession before God through her son Jesus Christ, for she herself has no divine power. In Catholic teachings, consecration to Mary does not diminish or substitute the love of God, but enhances it, for all consecration is ultimately made to God.

8. Arrange (thepaticmys vener)​

➡ ️Sympathetic nerve

Sympathetic nervous system Spinal nerves C2-C8 carry sympathetic innervation to head, neck, upper limbs and thorax.


9. What is the difference between Adoration and Veneration?


Veneration is one of the forms of paying homage to God and the saints. Veneration can be broken down into two types in Greek terms - dulia and hyperdulia. ... In summary, veneration is a high admiration and honoring of saints and Mary, while adoration is the highest form of worship and homage reserved for God alone.

hope you like it

10.  Constantino maintains that Filipinos venerate José Rizal without truly understanding him.  Would you agree?  If so can you give some examples of an unexamined adoration?​


i dont think so


the only i know is about jose rizal

11. Veneration of the blessed sacrament


Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, also called Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament or the Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction, is a devotional ceremony, celebrated especially in the Roman Catholic Church, but also in some other Christian traditions such as Anglo-Catholicism, whereby a bishop, priest, .



The actual benediction or blessing follows exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Example, the placing of the consecrated Host in a monstrance set upon the altar or at least exposition of a ciborium containing the Blessed Sacrament.

Thus "the blessing with the Eucharist is preceded by a reasonable time for readings of the word of God, songs, prayers, and a period for silent prayer", while "exposition merely for the purpose of giving benediction is prohibited".

12. differentiate these three words : venerable, blessed, and saint.


彼の恥 im not sure hehe thanks me later

13. We venerate god.True or False​




thats the answer, cause we must give respect to god.

hope it'll help you po :)

14. Why was the labdacus bloodline venerated?

[tex] \blue{ \rule{1000pt}{5555555pt}} [/tex]

15. arrange the following gambled veners cells​


Nerves cells



Nerves cells


Patatak ng brainly hope its help

16. One of the most venerated form of arts and the oldest.​


is one of the most venerated forms of art, and one of the oldest. Since humanity's first steps on this planet we have painted, ancient cave paintings show our desire to express ourselves even in our earliest days.

17. Are you familiar with Renato Constantino's Veneration WithoutUnderstanding? Research on Constantino's work and give some examplesof this unexamined adoration of the Filipinos towards Rizal. Explain why itis essential to truly understand Rizal's context before studying his life andworks​


This is a reaction paper I made three years ago for PI 100 (Rizal) course under Ms. Liyang Miñoza, one of my favorite professors in UP.

Renato Constantino’s Veneration Without Understanding answers whether or not Rizal deserves to be our national hero by understanding his nature historically. From Rizal’s reformist ideologies, racial aspirations, definition of liberty to his battle towards Filipinos’ freedom, the paper provides an in-depth analysis on how we could learn from Rizal's limitations and use it for our development. Aside from that, Constantino tends to challenge his readers to be critical in attributing our history and the works of people behind it.

When heard of the word “Rizal,” we always think of the person who died to free us, the exceptional human being, the Filipino Christ, or the great of the greatest that most of us aspire to be. This is society’s twisted mentality resulting from distorted ideas written in Philippine textbooks that are taught in secondary and even in tertiary education. There is, however, more to Rizal than what we already know about him. We fail to recognize that just like us, Rizal was a human. He made mistakes and he had his own weaknesses.

Some would argue that Constantino was trying to give Bonifacio a spotlight. But I do not think he was. He was simply trying to elaborate how shallow our knowledge about Rizal is and how this ignorance can be used to relate to challenges we are now going through – abhorring colonial mentality, attaining national identity, and yearning for independence. To say the least, Constantino was merely saying that social demands change overtime and so, we do not need to fully rely on Rizal’s national goals alone. We should learn from the weaknesses of great men and women of our history just like how we looked up to their strengths.

Everyone deserves the highest honour because everyone is capable of doing whatever we think is the best. The main question is not really whether or not Rizal deserves to be a national hero but rather “Is it necessary to have one National Hero?” Andres Bonifacio had his own setbacks, as well as Gabriela Silang, Heneral Antonio Luna, Apolinario Mabini, and all the great men and great women in our history. Each plays an important role in our history and yes, these heroes did what were needed for the betterment of our country. They did whatever they thought will be the good for all people during their time and they succeeded in their own way. They did it with courage when no one else could. If that is so, then what difference does it make if we only give the highest recognition to one person when there were thousands of people who worked hand-in-hand to develop the concept of a nation?

Rizal was a necessary movement. The first letter in the alphabet. The alpha. A moment in our history. But he was not just like that. He is the embodiment that we, younger generations, have the responsibility to finish what he started along with Bonifacio and the heroes after them. They shed blood for this nation and for future generations. They have molded us in every way they can. The future now depends solely on our hands and how we make good use of their strengths as well as their weaknesses.


mark me brainliest

18. Compare and contrast the following: veneration, cult, and, devotion.


veneration is the act of honoring a saint, a person who has been identified as having a high degree of sanctity or holiness.

a cult is a social group that is defined by its unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or its common interest in a particular personality, object, or goal. a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

devotion deep love or loyalty. an act of giving (as effort or time) to something His devotion of many hours of work was rewarded. a religious exercise or practice (as prayers) especially that is private


thank you

19. why do we honor and venerate them?​


its depends to tour ability or knowledge

and best of all you have behavior

20. why do we honor and venerate our saints​


significance in Christianity. Veneration of the saints began because of a belief that martyrs were received directly into heaven after their martyrdoms and that their intercession with God was especially effective—in the Revelation to John the martyrs occupy a special position in heaven, immediately under the altar

21. Read the Rizal's Memoirs of a Student in Manilaattached in the last part of the file VenerationWithout Understanding.​




thank you because its cool

22. Veneration of the Cross Good Friday reflection

Answer:Many Roman Catholic churches practice a devotion known as the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday. The clergy and congregation approach a cross or crucifix one by one, and offer a gesture of respect to all that it represents.  The Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday can be traced back to fourth-century Jerusalem.

Explanation:Correct me if I'm wrong :]

23. we venerate God explanation​


People we venerate are often formally or informally recognized as saints—men and women whom the Church has doctrinal reasoning, teachings of Sacred Tradition or supernatural evidence to conclude that, not only are they in heaven, but also interceding for us on earth by passing on any communication we make to them.

24. The worship and veneration of the Catholic church​


Veneration, known as dulia in classical theology, is the honor and reverence appropriately due to the excellence of a created person. Hence Catholic sources will sometimes use the term “worship” not to indicate adoration, but only the worship of veneration given to Mary and the saints.

25. It implies veneration. An act of respect and veneration given to all saints in heaven.A.LatriaB.ProtoduliaC.HyperduliaD.Dulia​


letter D.


veneration or respect paid to the saints and angels as the servants and friends of God.

26. erected to venerate or remember ​


Veneration of the Dead


The veneration of the dead, including one's ancestors, is based on love and respect for the deceased. In some cultures, it is related to beliefs that the dead have a continued existence, and may possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living. Some groups venerate their direct, familial ancestors. Certain sects and religions, in particular the Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church, venerate saints as intercessors with God; the latter also believes in prayer for departed souls in Purgatory. Other religious groups, however, consider veneration of the dead to be idolatry and a sin.

Hope it helps. Brainliest is highly appreciated, ty.

27. Who is the late husband of Venerable Francisca?​


Don Alfonso oyps hatdog chicken

28. The worship and veneration of the Catholic church​


Catholicism and Orthodoxy. In Catholic and Orthodox theology, veneration is a type of honor distinct from the true worship (veritable adoration), which is due to God alone. ... Veneration, known as dulia in classical theology, is the honor and reverence appropriately due to the excellence of a created person.

What is the difference between veneration and worship Catholic?

The difference between the two words is that while worship is mostly associated with gods, veneration is not associated with gods. It is mostly used for saintly individuals who display the goodness of gods.

Pa brainliest na din po thank you



29. Venerable ignacia del espiritu santo beatification



Venerable ignacia del espiritu santo beatification


Venerable Ignacia of the Holy Spirit Beatification

30. 4. It is a human-made object that venerated for the spirit it represented.​


in the practice of religion, a cult image or devotional image is a human-made object that is venerated or worshipped for the deity, person, spirit or daemon (not to be confused with demon) that it embodies or represents.

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