There s A Reason For Everything

There s A Reason For Everything

Wemberly worries about everything: big things, little things, andeverything in between. Her thoughts are consumed with worries until something magical happens. Wemberly meets a friend who is just like her. Soon, Wemberly s worries start to fade away. What is the most common reason why people worry about things in their​

Daftar Isi

1. Wemberly worries about everything: big things, little things, andeverything in between. Her thoughts are consumed with worries until something magical happens. Wemberly meets a friend who is just like her. Soon, Wemberly s worries start to fade away. What is the most common reason why people worry about things in their​

People worry things in their life because all of us have fears. All people have fears, and even you and me. Some of us are afraid to take risks, that's why we should always remember to take risks sometimes because if we will do nothing we will not achieve the things that we want in life


People often worry because they think that things might not work out the way they want it to be. They worry that they might end up doing things the wrong way. They worry about what's uncertain like the future.

2. Prediction Reason(s) The father always shows a happy face whenever he faces her daughter. EXAMPLE: The father shows how he values her daughter. He does everything just to make her happy and triumphant by sending her watever sacrifices he would do. 1 2 3 4 5 ​




3. Write your predictions in the appropriate column in the table. Number 1 is done for you. Reason(s) The fathers always show a happy face whenever he faces her daughter. Prediction EXAMPLE: The father shows how he values her daughter. He does everything just to make her happy and triumphant by sending her to school whatever sacrifices he would do. Predictions:2. 3. 4 .5.Reasons:​


1.the father lie abou having a job even thoug he is tired fiding it

Reason:to make her dauhgter comfortable

2.the father do everything what he see good for her daughter became the future of herdaughter.

3.her daughter wrixng a litter to know the father and to think why he need to lie abot work instead of telling the truth

Reason:to know and to realized the daughter how big her father sacrifices for her

4.her father never fell a angry

Reason:for her daughter it makes him happy when he see his daughter have a haapy face

5.The father never stop finding a job and to have a money he is always go anywhere he can have a money for her daughter

Reason:for being a great father of his daughter and to her daughter studying hard for a future


Pa brainlist answer po hope it helps thanku

4. TheB. Activity Proper: DIRECTIONS: Read an excerpt from WHO Director-General's Opening Remarks at the Media Briefing on COVID-19. Then, answer the questions that follow. Write your answer on your on the space provided. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. 1 The pandemic is accelerating. 2 More than 150 thousand new cases of COVID-19 were reported to WHO yesterday - the most in a single day so far. 3 Almost half of those cases were reported from the Americas, with large numbers also being reported from South Asia and the Middle East. world is in a new and dangerous phase s Many people are understandably fed up with being at home. & Countries are understandably eager to open up their societies and economies. 7 But the virus is still spreading fast, it's still deadly, and most people are still susceptible. 8 We call on all countries and all people to exercise extreme vigilance. a Continue maintaining your distance from others 10 Stay home if you feel sick. 11 Keep covering your nose and mouth when you cough. 12 Wear a mask when appropriate. * Keep cleaning your hands. 14 We continue to call on all countries to focus on the basics: find, isolate, test and care for every case. 18 Trace and quarantine every contact. 18 As the pandemic gathers pace, it's the most vulnerable who will suffer the most. 17 All countries rich and poor have populations who are vulnerable to a higher risk of severe disease and death. 18 A report published today by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement shows that about 70 percent of refugees surveyed in Turkey reported having lost their jobs since the start of the pandemic. 19 We have a shared duty to do everything we can to prevent, detect and respond to transmission of COVID-19 among refugee populations.1. which part of a persuasive essay is sentence 1?A.Main idea. B.Thesis statementC.Catchy hookaD.Evidence 2. Which sentences best support Sentence 1? A. Sentences 2&3 B. Sentences 4&5 C. Sentences 6&7 D. Sentences 8&93. What persuasive technique is used in Sentence 7? A. Logos B. Pathos C. Ethos D. Reasons4. Which of the following sentences is an example of call to action? A. Sentence 15 B. Sentence 16 C. Sentence 17 D. Sentence 18 5. What persuasive technique is used in Sentence 18? A. Logos B. Pathos C. Ethos D. Emotions 6. What does the speaker use to persuade the audience in Sentence 4? A. reason B. logic C. emotion D. facts7. What persuasive technique is used in Sentence 19? A. Logos B. Pathos C. Ethos D. Reasons8. What words in Sentence 17 are used to appeal to the audience's emotion? A. countries, population B. population, vulnerable C. vulnerable, disease, death D. countries, vulnerable, rich and poor9. Who are the target audience of the speaker? A. The citizens B. The government officials D. countries, vulnerable, rich and poor C. The health workers D. Armed Forces 10. What is the main purpose of the speaker in delivering his address? A. To warn the people of the effect of the pandemic B. To describe the current situation of the rich and poor countries C. To persuade the people and the government to take action on how to transmission of COVID-19 prevent the D. To inform different countries about the accelerating number of positive cases of COVID-19​


anong subject po ito english po or science

5. MINA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLBangac - Talibong Grande, Mina, IloiloWrite an essay describing the process of photosynthesis using claims and2 points)Outline of EssayIntroduction: What will you be talking about?Why is this important to you and the reader?Engage readerBody Paragraphs(s): Describe major steps in photosynthesisInclude equationClaims, evidence, reasoningConclusion: Wrap up everything in this sectionSummarize what you have written in first 2 sections of essay5CategoryPURPOSEThe essayhad a clear topic,purpose and the theme.All parts of the essaycontributed to the clearand interesting part ofthe topic, purpose andRubric4The essayhad a topic, but itspurpose and themewere only somewhatclear. All the parts of3The essahad a topic,purpose andwere not cconveyed.the essaythe partssaid something ratheressa​


haba nman


bat ganon ang haba ng question sorey

6. NO NONSENSE ANSWERS PLEASE! SPEECH PATTERNS PREP=Point, Reason, Example, Point● Use the PREP pattern to make a point. You can either agree or disagree with the topic or opinion. By wrapping up with a restatement of your point, you ensure that your speech is tightly structured.2. PPF= Past, Present, Future● Use the PPF when you want to share an opinion or situation that changes over time. Sharing anecdotes in this form will help your audience follow your story (and speech) easily.3.SMC= Story, Message, Call to action. ● When you want to sell an idea or convince your audience to take action, use this pattern. Close your speech with force, and you will have the world in the palm of your hands.Structure your speech- Your speech is composed mainly of the 3 essential elements: Introduction-Body and Conclusion.A. Introduction- this part is the attention getter/grabber, highly engaging and motivational. Your aim is to tell your audience who you are and what you’re talking about. In order to grab their attention, your greeting must be creative and make a great opening statement. Make it catchy, appealing, or captivating. It is also the part where the thesis statement is found. You may use any of the following techniques:● A rhetorical question- A question requiring no answer; however, it makes the audience think. This way, your audience are being hooked. Example: “I’m here to talk to you about what ordinary people can do to fight against climate change. Why? Because we’re running out of time to act.”● A surprising statement- Surprise is a powerful tool in any speech. It makes your audience sit up and pay attention.● A famous quote- line/s said by credible/well-known persons. Example: Former VP Binay once said, “Education is the great equalizer.”B. Body - it is where you present your arguments with several main points that include objection handling. Divide this main body into 2-3 points and separate each point into different paragraphs. C. Conclusion-A good conclusion takes everything you said and sums it up. Something that is memorable and calls your audience into action.​


ganyan lang po ung pinapakita maliit lang po



7. Activity 2 Tick (/) the line before the number in the followingsituation shows Effective Interpersonal Communicahon.1. Be able to aopen upto.and give honest feedback whenever you feelenever you feel it is needed.2. Be aware of your own emotions predback from the otherpersonyour nonverbalcommuni3 allow others to express themselves without automaticallyjumping on them4. Wait until they finish and respond to express your thoughtson the topic in 'a 'non-confrontational way.s 5. Intentionally jump in and cut someone opp while they are speakingbon Take everything personally and similarity express your con needsand opinions.certa7. Be your selt , honestly and openlyg. Use abstract, overly-formal language, colloquialisms and gorgea. Assume you know the reasons behind events, or thatFacts necessarily have certain implications10. Bring something totally unrelated to the discussion andthe time of the people help po agad ​


1 /










Yan po sagot ko

8. TRUE-FALSE: The following statements are ways to take care of our cells to prevent cancer and conserve the biosphere on a local scale. Write true if the statement is true. If the statement is false, replace the underlined word(s) to make the statement true. Write your answer before the number. ____________1. Not all substances can cross the plasma membrane. For this reason, the cell membrane is said to be permeable. ____________2. The cell membrane provides structure and support in plant cells. ____________3. The organelle that digests molecules, old organelles, and foreign substances is the mitochondrion. ____________4. The cytoplasm found between the plasma membrane and nucleus is a fluid structure. ____________5. The nucleus contains the DNA of the organism.____________6. All living things are made up of cell.____________7. Both plant cell and animal cell have chloroplast.____________8. The plant cell can also be larger than the animal cell.____________9. The invention of the microscope by Robert Hooke led to the understanding of the cell as the basic unit of life.____________10. Only plant cell has cell wall.II. Instructions: Fill in the blank with the appropriate term. Choose the right answer in the box below.11. The ____________ is often considered to be the cell’s control center. 12. The ____________ consists of everything inside the plasma membrane of the cell. 13. The plasma membrane forms a ____________ between the inside and outside of the cell. 14. The ____________ is essentially a “skeleton” inside the cell. 15. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is covered with ____________. 16. Lysosomes use ____________ to break down foreign matter and dead cells. 17. The endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle that helps make and transport ____________ and lipids. 18. Mitochondria are sometimes referred to as the ____________ of the cell. 19. Centrioles help make sure each daughter cell has the correct number of ____________ after the cell divides. 20. Cilia and ____________ are extensions of the plasma membrane of many cells. III. Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on before the number. 21. Name the organelle that protects and supports the cell, and it is only found in plants? A. Nucleus B. Cell Wall C. Cytoskeleton D. Cell Membrane 22. Which of the following are NOT found in animal cells A. chloroplasts and cell wall B. mitochondria and nucleus C. chloroplasts and cytoplasm D. cell wall and cell membrane 23. The nucleus is like the ____________ of the cell. A. brain B. foot C. hand D. stomach24. Which of the following converts food into energy for the cell? A. cell membrane B. cytoplasm C. mitochondria D. vacuole 25. Which organelle takes in "sun showers" and helps plants with the process of photosynthesis? A. Chloroplast B. Cytoplasm C. Mitochondria D. VacuoleIV- Write the function of each part of the cell.26. Nucleus- _______________________________________________________________________27. Mitochondrion -_________________________________________________________________28. Golgi Bodies- ___________________________________________________________________29. Lysosome- ______________________________________________________________________30. Ribosome- ______________________________________________________________________​














26.The functions of the nucleus are that it houses genetic material (DNA).

27. Mitochondria are the "powerhouses" of the cell, breaking down fuel molecules and capturing energy in cellular respiration. Chloroplasts are found in plants and algae. They're responsible for capturing light energy to make sugars in photosynthesis.

28.A major function is the modifying, sorting and packaging of proteins for secretion. It is also involved in the transport of lipids around the cell, and the creation of lysosomes. The sacs or folds of the Golgi apparatus are called cisternae.

29.Lysosomes are spherical, membrane bound organelles that are generated by the golgi apparatus. They contain hydrolytic enzymes, and so function as part of the recycling system of the cell.

30.Ribosomes have two main functions — decoding the message and the formation of peptide bonds. These two activities reside in two large ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs) of unequal size, the ribosomal subunits. Each subunit is made of one or more ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) and many ribosomal proteins (r-proteins).


i hope it helps :))

9. POWER IN POWERLESSNESS The late former President Cory Aquino and her son Noynoy, at their Times Street residence in February 2006, heatedly debated her resolve to intercede during the Marine standoff at the then Fort Bonifacio. Noynoy, on whose lap fell the responsibility of looking after his mother after his father Ninoy was assassinated, was determined to keep her out of the fray, especially then when she was no longer president. Cory, however, remained obstinate as she unequivocally expressed her determination to proceed to Fort Bonifactio. Noynoy vehemently tried to dissuade her, citing grave danger and the volatility of the situation there. Furthermore, he wamed that those inside Fort Bonifacio were not exactly friendly forces and those outside were no less hostile than those besieged. But Cory stuck to her guns and declared, "Everything is simple. My duty is to avert bloodshed at all cost. Help me." Thus, Cory the ex-Commander-in-Chief prevailed upon Noynoy to escort her to Fort Bonifacio. Thre, the combatants seethed with anger. Calmly, Cory wedged herself between protagonists, pulled out her story, and began to pray. Before long, the simmering confrontation was miraculously defused. Cory Aquino, who fearlessly staked her life to effect peaceful change serenely rested on the power of the Almighty, truly realizing her own powerlessness. 1) Why was Cory insistent on Noynoy's accompanying her to Fort Bonifacio Why was Noynoy opposed to his mother's plea for him to bring her to Fort Bonifacio? 2) What was Cory's reason for intervening in the fray? 3) What kind of "armament" did she use to put her conviction to action? 4) What character trait/s did she reveal in this incident?5) Is the title appropriate for the model paragraph? Explain your answer. 6) What is the setting? 7) Who are the characters? 8) Whose person is characterized? 9) What is the writer's point of view used?​


Cory wanted Noynoy to accompany her to Fort Bonifacio to avert bloodshed. Noynoy was opposed because he believed it was dangerous and volatile.Cory's reason for intervening was to prevent bloodshed at all costs.Cory used prayer as her "armament" to put her conviction to action.Cory revealed fearlessness and determination in this incident.Yes, the title is appropriate as it highlights the power Cory was able to wield despite her apparent powerlessness.The setting is Fort Bonifacio.The characters are Cory Aquino and Noynoy Aquino.Cory Aquino's character is characterized.The model paragraph does not clearly indicate the writer's point of view.

10. LEARNING TASK 1: Read the following paragraphs, Encircle the word/s that madethe paragraph bias,Paragraph AReading for pleasure is a waste of time. People who spend hourupon hour reading don't get to live in the real world. They don't really learnanything that is useful about how to deal with everyday people andproblems. Plus, teachers always make read things that are boring.Paragraph BParents always talk about how If schools have school uniforms,everything would be so much easier. You wouldn't caught up on looks andwould learn the skills you need. I disagree with this, I think that schooluniforms would put a restriction on our creativity. We dress the way we do forcertain reason. Clothes give us expressions and ability to use colors andpatterns. The first impression we get of people is usually clothes, facialexpressions and language. If we all wear the same thing we don't get toreally see what people are like on the inside. Usually girly girls wear pink andfilly things. Skaters wear baggy pants and Goths usually wear blacks. Clothesdon't distracts us from learning the studies we need to, it simply let us inspireour imagination and lights up our words.​


Reading for pleasure is a waste of time. People who spend hour  upon hour reading don't get to live in the real world. They don't really learn  anything that is useful about how to deal with everyday people and  problems. Plus, teachers always make read things that are boring.

Parents always talk about how if schools have school uniforms,  everything would be so much easier. You wouldn't caught up on looks and  would learn the skills you need. I disagree with this, I think ​that school  uniforms would put a restriction on our creativity. We dress the way we do for  certain reason. Clothes give us expressions and ability to use colors and  patterns. The first impression we get of people is usually clothes, facial  expressions and language. If we all wear the same thing we don't get to  really see what people are like on the inside. Usually girly girls wear pink and  filly things. Skaters wear baggy pants and Goths usually wear blacks. Clothes  don't distracts us from learning the studies we need to, it simply let us inspire  our imagination and lights up our words.​

11. Write your predictions in the appropriate column in the table. Number 1 is done for you. Prediction Reason(s) The fathers always show a happy face whenever he faces her daughter. 1 EXAMPLE: The father shows how he values her daughter. He does everything just to make her happy and triumphant by sending her to school whatever sacrifices he would do.The fathers always show a happy face whenever he faces her daughter. 1.2. 3. 4. 5 .​


the female reproductive system is performing arts center Ng tube

12. the good newsme story carefully, then answer the questions affet.Yam and His Baby Brother Samhome. Yem, the eldest son, was excited. At last he has a baby brother! He will tell his classmates aboutIt was the 30m Of Merch when Sam was bom. After a week in the hospital, Mother and Sam wereBy Marites S. GalvezHe was jealous of his baby brother because all their attention was always focused on Sam.At first, life et home was full of happiness but little by little Yam felt something strange in hirnseltAfter a month, Mommy went back to work in the office, Baby Sam was left in Grandmother's care, whilewith his gadget. His mini Ipad was his best friend. He never bothered to look after his baby brotherYam attended his modular class at home since the pandemic, he spent most of his time playing gamesIt was always like that when Yam was at home. He always played with his gadget. Mom was busy. Daddywas busy, Lola was busy with Sam. He thinks nobody cares, so he might as well enjoy his freedomHis parents talked to him and was reprimanded about his overuse of gadgets. His parents threatened himthem that Yam often submitted his modules without answers on the activities. His tests were also failed.One day, the teacher talked to his parents during the issuance of the report card. The teacher toldthat they will confiscate his Ipad if he will not study hard. Yam promised them that he will do better in hisstudiesWitle did his parents know, Yam did not obey the deal with his parents. He was always in his room,playing with his gadget, telling everyone that he studies his lesson and do not want to be disturbed.went to his room to see what is happening. There, he lay crying in his sleep!grabbed his brother Sam and was about to eat him and so Yam shouted as loud as he could! His motherThat night, as he woke up, he saw a man near his brothers' crib. It was a big blue man! The manMother woke him up and told Yam that he had a bad dream, a nightmare! He told his mother about it, hewas just aSince then, he promised to love his baby brother Sam. He will do everything to protect his brother. Fromthoughthis brother Sam was really kidnapped and had been eaten by the big, blue man.then on, he has begun to love and take care of hisbrother Sam.Questions:1. Do you have a brother or sister? If your answer is a yes, how do you take care of him/her?2. Why do you think is the reason why Yam was jealous of his baby brother Sam?3. How does he feel when it was the first time to see his brother?4. Why does Yam study at home nowadays?5. How did he spend his time at home during his class time?6. Why did the teacher talk to his parents?7. How was he reprimanded by his parents?8. Did he obey his parents? If yes, why? If no, why?9. Why did he wake up one night?10. How did he end up promising that he will love and take of his baby brother Sam?​


1.l have no brother or sister

2.He is jelous because all of there attention is focused on his baby brother.

3.He was so happy.


yan Lang Po Alam ko

13. write your predictions in the appropriate column in the table Number 1 is done for you Prediction EXAMPLE Reason(s) The father shows how he values her 1 The fathers always show a happy face whenever he faces her daughter daughter. He does everything just to make her happy and triumphant by sending her to school whatever sacrifices he would do 2 3 5 Guide Cuestione​


san yung pic dyan?


kailangan po yan eh para masagutan yang activity

14. NOTEREAD THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLYANY FORMS OF ERASURE OR ALLITERATIONS MEANS WRONGYOU CAN ONLY USE BLACK BALLPEN TO ANSWER YOUR EXAML MULTIPLE CHOICE Encircle the letter of the correct answer1. It's the difference that makes each person unique.a. Diversityb. Sciencec. Study of All thingsIt is called science because the investigation is systematic. It follows certain steps or it employs certainprocedures. It is an organized body of knowledge just like any other sciencesa Natural Light of Reason b. Philosophyc. First Cause or Highest Principle3 Whatever it is; and whatever is not is not everything is what it is. Everything is its own being, and notbeing is not beinga Principle of Identityb. Principle of Non-Contradiction c. Penciple of Excluded Middle4 nothing exists without a sufficient reason for its being and existence.8. Principle of Sufficient Reason b. Principle of Identity c. Principle of Non-Contradiction5. It is really only an extension of a fundamental and necessary drive in every human being toknow what is real.a Ethicsb. Metaphysicsc. Epistemology6. It is generally a study of the nature of moral judgmentsa. Logicb. Aestheticsc. Ethics7 li is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations. Including the sublime, comic, tragic,pathetic and uglya. Aestheticsb. Epistemology c. Logic8. is characterized of an immortal soul and a s a composite of body and soul of a mind-body problem andthe human condition of freedom.a. Human Personb. Philosophyc. Ethics9. The term 'logie comes from the Greek word logike and was coined by Zeno, the Stoic (c 340-265 BC)a Logicb Diversityc. Resoning10. It is originally meant, "love of wisdom", and in a broad sense, wisdom is still the goal of philosophy,a Phllosophyb. Sciencec. Principle of Excluded Middle grade 11 senior high school​













Brainlist pls :D

15. Directions: Analyze the given issues. What is your position about the given situation? Copy the following questions in your notebook and draw a happy face if you agree with the statement or a sad face if you disagree. Then, defend your answer by giving valid reason/s (1-2 sentences) to support your ideas. 1. Are front liners considered heroes? Why or why not? 2. Is modular distance learning helpful for the pupils to avoid contamination of virus? 3. Face-to-face classes can be implemented in some areas with active covid- 19 cases. 4. The Inter-Agency Task Force is doing everything to lessen the spread of COVID-19 virus. 5. Maintaining proper hygiene like washing your hands lessen the transmission of the virus.

1. Front liners are considered as heroes because they risked their healths and all just to serve the country where the people they loved resident in.

2. Yes, Modular Distance Learning are helpful for the pupils to avoid contamination of virus.




16. Write your predictions in the appropriate column in the table. Number 1 is done for you Prediction EXAMPLE The father shows how he values her daughter. He does everything just to make her happy and triumphant by Sending her to school whatever sacrifices he would do Reason(s) The fathers always show a happy face whenever he faces her daughter 1 ente 2 w You 5​




17. Activity Read the speech of the former President Barack Obama carefully. Then, ldentify the claim/s of the speaker, evidences and its type of evidence. Write your answer in the diagram. Hi, everybody. This week, because Democrats and responsible Republicans came together, the government was reopened, and the threat of default was removed from our economy. There has been a lot of discussion lately of the politics of this shutdown. But the truth is, there were no winners in this. At a time when our economy needs more growth and more jobs, the manufactured crises of these last few weeks actually harmed jobs and growih. And it is understandable that your frustration with what goes on in Washington has never been higher. The way business is done in Washington has to change. Now that these clouds of crisis and uncertainty have lifted, we need to focus on what the majority of Americans sent us here to do grow the economy, create good jobs, strengthen the middle class, lay the foundation for broad-based prosperity, and get our fiscal house in order for the long haul. It won't be easy. But we can make progress. Specifically, there are three places where I believe that Democrats and Republicans can work together right away. First, we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach to a responsible budget, one that grows our economy faster and shrinks our long-term deficits further. There is no choice between growth and fiscal responsibility - we need both. So we're making a serious mistake if a budget doesn't focus on what you're focused on: creating more good jobs that pay better wages. If we're going to free up resources for the things that help us grow - education, infrastructure, research - we should cut what we don't need, and close corporate tax loopholes that don't help create jobs.This shouldn't be as difficult as it has been in past years. Remember, our deficits are shrinking - not growing.Second, we should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration system. There's already a broad coalition acrossAmerica that's behind this effort, from business leaders to faith leaders to law enforcement. It would grow oureconomy. It would secure our borders. The Senate has already passed a bill with strong bipartisan support. Now theHouse should, too. The majority of Americans thinks this is the right thing to do. It can and should get done by theend of this year. Third, we should pass a farm bill - one that America's farmers and ranchers can depend on, onethat protects vulnerable children and adults in times of need, and one that gives rural communities opportunities togrow and the longer-term certainty they deserve. We won't suddenly agree on everything now that the cloud ofcrisis has passed. But we shouldn't hold back on places where we do agree, just because we don't think it's goodpolitics, or just because the extremes in our parties don't like compromise. Ill look for willing partners from eitherparty to get important work done. There's no good reason why we can't govern responsibly, without lurching frommanufactured crisis to manufactured crisis. Because that isn't governing - it's just hurting the people we were senthere to serve. Those of us who have the privilege to serve this country have an obligation to do our job the best wecan. We come from different parties, but we're Americans first. And our obligations to you must compel all of us,Democrats and Republicans, to cooperate, and compromise, and act in the best interests of this country we love.Thanks everybody and have a great weekend.Point or claim:1.2.3.Evidence:1.2.3.Type of Evidence:1.2.3.​


Point or claim:

1. The manufactured crises of the last few weeks harmed jobs and growth.

2. Democrats and Republicans can work together to pursue a balanced approach to a responsible budget, fix the broken immigration system, and pass a farm bill.

3. It is possible to govern responsibly without lurching from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis.


1. The shutdown and threat of default harmed jobs and growth.

2. The Senate has already passed a bipartisan bill to fix the broken immigration system, and passing a farm bill would provide certainty for farmers and ranchers.

3. Both parties have an obligation to cooperate and compromise in the best interests of the country.

Type of Evidence:

1. Personal observation and analysis.

2. Examples of bipartisan cooperation and previous successful legislation.

3. Ethical and moral arguments about the responsibility of elected officials.

18. I don't know but, I am sharing this for some reasons, I don't know why some of the people using this 'Brainly' app or site just quickly answer everything without thinking what they have to do, what is wrong after jumping through their wanted points, it's just that the fact that it looks like some of them using now are 50% looks actually doing the wrong thing without thinking what it would going to be, I am just the person also a victim of that 'inappropriate answers' they have always made, it's just that again, disappointing to know that some of it's users, is not just helping someone at all, they cause wars, they cause anger, which I don't want to implement on myself. We, also as brainly users are just begging for your answers, my message is, if you want to be that B-R-A-I-N-L-I-E-S-T, take a look of your answer if that answer is having the Brain.By the way, I also made this for some users out there.

I can’t agree anymore

19. 11. An American biologist, Garrett Hardin, studies that overgrazing depletes grass in an area and leads to soil erosion. Who is Garrett Hardin in the study of the environment? a. An Environmental Scientist b. An Environmentalist c. an Ecologist d. All of the above 13. Are we a part of the study of Environmental Science? a. Yes, because simply we are living on Earth. b. No , because the subject deals only with the environment. c. Yes, because we interact with the environment aside from other organism. d. No , because man is a living organism, while the environment is non-living. 16. Which of the following scientific principles below does NOT belong the group? a. Law of Tolerance b. Law of carrying capacity c. Law of conservation of matter d. Law of conservation of energy 17. Of the choices below, which is the characteristic of the ecosystem? a. Humans are stewards of nature b. Everything must go somewhere. c. Maximum sustainable yield d. Ours is a finite earth 18. What does the environmental principle “All life forms are important”, mean? a. All living things need one another. b. All living things has a function to perform. c. All living things needs food and shelter for survival. d. all the answers above are correct. 19. If we relate science and religion in the study of the environment, What could be the reason Man was created the last in God`s creation? a. Because man is a living organism. b. Because man is the highest form of animal. c. Man was created to manage and take care of all the creations.d. Man is so pampered that he has everything, the moment he exist​


1. d.

2. c.

3. a.

4.a .




hope it helps

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