How Do You See Me As A Person

How Do You See Me As A Person

can you please help mewrite the correct letter and explain why you pick it__1.Through work, persons are able to use their gifts and talents for the service of others.a. person is made for the sake of workb. human labor is made for the sake of a personc. work is made for the sake of a persond. human person is made for the sake of labor*explain*2. How do you see Jesus and the other disciples of god.a. bossb. servantc. peasantd. manager* explain*​

Daftar Isi

1. can you please help mewrite the correct letter and explain why you pick it__1.Through work, persons are able to use their gifts and talents for the service of others.a. person is made for the sake of workb. human labor is made for the sake of a personc. work is made for the sake of a persond. human person is made for the sake of labor*explain*2. How do you see Jesus and the other disciples of god.a. bossb. servantc. peasantd. manager* explain*​

1.) A. Person is made for the sake of work
❤️Before the foundation of the world God choose us for what?? For His purpose to work in Him
2.) B. Servant
❤️ Becuase Jesus is also a servant of God

2. 1.Why are you the best person for the job? 2.What attracted you to our company?3. Where do you see yourself 5yrs.from now? 4.How would your colleagues describe you? 5.What are your strength? 6.Tell me one weakness and why it was your weakness? 7.Why should I hire you? 8.What can you bring to our company? 9.How do you deal with stress? 10.What do you do for fun? ​


sorry Po grade 5 plang po ako


salamat Po sa pagintindi

3. Activity 1: Think of the people you encounter every day. Identify the persons to whom you are most likely to say the following statements. Write their names on the blanks "How are you today?" "Did you hear the latest news?" "May I see your work?" What must I do with my life now?" i appreciate everything you have done for me​


"How are you today?"

Person: my childhood friends

"Did you hear the latest news?"

Person: my close friend

"May I see your work?"

Person: my co-worker/student

"What must I do with my life now?"

Person: God

"I appreciate everything you have done for me​."

Person: my especial person


I have chosen these people because they mean so much to me. They were the people that would firstly come to my mind only because they are special to me and my life journey would be dull without them.

I wish I could really tell these words to them. It always gives me hard time remembering when was the last time I talked with my childhood friends that is why this activity helped me to be reminded of them.


4. the chay. Put aoom. It is at the ban your shin your boe out yourhe out yourme in yourMAINgo and see itcise No. 2actions: Read the sentences carefully and write your best answer.kample: I can be what I want if I am determined to do it.1. I want to learn it to do it by myself. Younot help me.2. Childrenlearn how to be friendly so they'll become smart.3. The film was very interesting. It talks about humanity. You4. My mother always reminds me to be a good person. I do it.5. Ito search this word on the dictionary, I do not know its meaning.6. Wehelp him to raise the fund for the good project he initiated.7. Iclean the house during Saturdays to help my mother.8. Younot talk to your seatmate during your classes.9. Youturn off the lights. We have to sleep now.10. My brothers, younot tell lies during recitation. That is really awful.11. Youdrink warm water when you get up in the morning. That aids digestion.​


Huh i didnt gets at all!



5. 1.1 ask the following questions from the breadwinner of your family and see their reactions. Write their answer on a piece of papers and try to describe how they react. 1. What would you be doing if you weren't at your current job? 2. What more are you wanting in your career right now?3. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are living right now?4. If you were to tell one person "Thank You" for helping me become the person I am today, who would it be and what did they do?5. What is one word you would use to describe yourself as a?​


I think kailangan niyu pong magtanonh directly sa pamilya niyu po at kung ano amg sagot nila yun ang isusulat mo.

6. Activity 5. Identify the sentence if it is declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory sentence 1. She was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. 2. Please tell me where I can find my lost dog 3. How do you see yourself 10 years from now? 4. That horse is really fast! 5. Can you give me the name of that girl in the park? 6. Where did you get that ticket? 7. You are an intelligent person! 8. The students are now enrolled in the university 9. Farmers and fishermen contribute to our country's economy 10. Do you live in a barrio?​












7. B Second Person D. D Fourth Person 3. When the narrator tells the reader everything about the character and events, the point of vie A First Person C. Third Person B. Second Person D. Fourth Person 4 What point of view is referred to if the reader becomes aware of all the thoughts and feeling A First Person C. Third Person B. Second Person D. Fourth Person 5. The reader feels as though he/she is a character in the story. The point of view is A First Person C. Third Person B. Second Person D. Fourth Person When the text is all about instructions of how you are going to do something, the point of vi A First Person C. Third Person B Second Person D. Fourth Person 7. If the author is just describing the topic or telling a story of a person, place, thing, or situation or you as the reader as characters in the story, then, the point of view is in the A First Person C. Third Person B Second Person D. Fourth Person 8 Whenever the impure spirits saw him, they fell down before him and (they) cried out 6 A First Person C. Third Person B Second Person D. Fourth Person ammad ind in see the voice that was speaking to me "What pron What pronouns were used in​









8. How do you see Jesus now? Who is Jesus Christ to you? Based on what you have read in gospels, draw a symbol to illustrate what you have learned. Make a short explanation about the symbol you have chosen and its relationship to the person of Jesus. (15 points) (ex. Candle, Jesus is my light, He gives me the light – His life so I can see and live. Just like the candle that consumes itself to give light/life to others.)




Jesus is just like a map, he leads me the way.

9. Exercise 1: Instructions: Identify the type of communicative strategy used in each statement. Write your answers on the space provided before the number. 1. Please hear me out, I really need to tell you something." 2. That's it for today's class, I'll see you all again next week." 3. You wanted to say something?" 4. What do you think about the weather today?" 5. Please share your ideas about climate change." 6. "How's your day at school?" 7. Thank you very much for your help! See you around!" 8. "It's nice to see you. I came to visit you because I want to personally say sorry for what I said last week." 9. "I will be busy this week. What if we talk about it next week?" 10. "You may now share your knowledge about climate change." 11. What do you think is the reason why the weather changes? Do you think it is about climate change? 12. "What about you? What did you like about our activity today? Please share it to the class now." 13. "Yes, you got it. I'll meet you there, bye!" 14. "What do you think about climate change? Let's listen to your classmate's answer.​


whats your grade? i try it to answer

10. Answer the following questions honestly. This can be used as a guide if you ever encounter a situation where you would need to provide counseling to another person 1. Building Rapport / Strengths Could you tell me some things about yourself? What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at? Describe what an awesome day would be like for you. What would the important people in your life say what is awesome about you? What do you enjoy learning about? 2. Goals How will you know that meeting here today was helpful? How would you know that coming here was worth your time? What do you hope to get out of visiting here today? What do you hope to see happen instead of what is bothering you? 3. Miracle Question If you could wave a magic wand and things changed, how would you know magic has happened? What would be different? What would you be doing differently that showed you your hopes came true? What else would be different? What other changes would you experience? Who would notice a change had happened? What would they see? 4. Exceptions to the Problem & Competencies When are the times that "the problem is not such a problem? What is different? When does the problem" not bother you so much? How have you managed so far to deal with the problem" What has helped so far? Even if it has been just a little help. How have you found the courage to deal with this problem? 5. Scaling On a scale of 10 to 0, where 10 means your hope and goal has come true and O is the worst you can imagine, what number are you now? How will you know you have moved up one number? What will one number higher look like? How would you be able to move up one point? 6. Closure / Plan / What will you try differently or do more of when you leave today? What experiment can you try out? What is the best thing you noticed about yourself today?​​


alam ko tattay mo sumakay ng Helokopter aking inis niper nahulog diaper huhuhuhuhuhu panis

11. Direction: read each item carefully. Encircle the letter that best fits the correct answer 1. Which of the following is not a form language A. Sounds b. Words c. Phrase d. Debate2. Which if the following utterances shows surprise about the thing that someone A. What? b. Its a bird c. Duh d. Oh3. Why is language form important in oral commonication? A. it is made up of sound that organized into a word b. It is a part of oral commonication C. It is composed of facial expressionD. It reveals the person's characteristics in delivering the message 4-6 choose the best statement based on the situation 4. Imployee to a department manager A. Mr. Brwn. Could ihave a word with you this afternoon b. Frank. I need to talk to you c. Mr. Brwn. Do you think it would be possible for me to speak with you this afternoon 5. Husband to wife A how do you dob. What's up? c. Excuse me dear I was wondering how you were felling 6. Customer toreceptionist A. Give me my billb. The bill please. c. I was wondering if i could trouble you for the bill 7. What expression do you are when you want to be heard in a meeting? A. are there anu comment b. May i have the floor sir? C. Do you have enything to say. Because i do d. If you don't let me talk l'll go out of the room 8. Which is a way of ending a conversation? A. Hello its good to see you b. Please say hi to your parents for me c. Sorry l'll decide on what next time d l'll give you time to ask question 9. In, a conversation with someone in authority. Wait to be recongnized before you speak do you agree or disagree A. Agree b.Disagree c. Maybe d. Undecided 10. ​


A. sounds

A. what?

A. It is made up of sound that organized into a word

A. Mr. brown could i have a word with you

C. Excuse me dear I was wondering how you were feeling

B. The bill please

A. are there any comment

A. Hello it's good to see you


12. Exercise 1: Instructions: Identify the type of communicative strategy used in each statement. Write your answers on the space provided before the number. 1. Please hear me out, I really need to tell you something." 2. That's it for today's class, I'll see you all again next week." 3. You wanted to say something?" 4. What do you think about the weather today?" 5. Please share your ideas about climate change." 6. "How's your day at school?" 7. Thank you very much for your help! See you around!" 8. "It's nice to see you. I came to visit you because I want to personally say sorry for what I said last week." 9. "I will be busy this week. What if we talk about it next week?" 10. "You may now share your knowledge about climate change." 11. What do you think is the reason why the weather changes? Do you think it is about climate change? 12. "What about you? What did you like about our activity today? Please share it to the class now." 13. "Yes, you got it. I'll meet you there, bye!" 14. "What do you think about climate change? Let's listen to your classmate's answer.Pasagot po need ko ngayon plsss!​

type of communicative strategy used in each statement. Write your answers on the space provided before the number.

1. Please hear me out, I really need to tell you something."

2. That's it for today's class, I'll see you all again next week."

3. You wanted to say something?"

4. What do you think about the weather today?" 5. Please share your ideas about climate change."

6. "How's your day at school?"

7. Thank you very much for your help! See you around!"

8. "It's nice to see you. I came to visit you because I want to personally say sorry for what I said last week."

9. "I will be busy this week. What if we talk about it next week?"

10. "You may now share your knowledge about climate change."

11. What do you think is the reason why the weather changes? Do you think it is about climate change?

12. "What about you? What did you like about our activity today? Please share it to the class now."

13. "Yes, you got it. I'll meet you there, bye!"

14. "What do you think about climate change? Let's listen to your classmate's answer.

Pasagot po need ko ngayon plsss!​

13. How do you view these words :"Terrorists""Pretty""Gay""Money"1.Throughout the process ,ask these questions ,is really true?2Do I need to concider a different point of view ?3.should I go deeper and further in my thinking?write your view or personal feelings .Do you see a logical flaw or bias in yyour way of thingking If yes "why? if no depend your answer.​help me guys please​


ang hirap naman pero kaya mo yan wag kang susuko

14. Approximately,the distance d in miles that a person can see to the horizon is represented by the equation d=✓3h/2,where h is the height where the person is.How far can man see if he is 5 meters above the ground?(1 mile = 1,609.3 m). Questions:1.How far can a man see if he is 5 meters above the ground?2.How did you solve the problem?What concepts/skills have you applied?3.What is your mathematical representation of the problem?4.What do you think might happen if we replace the radicand with a variable?Will it still be possible to solve the problem?A man walks 4 meters to the east going to school and then walks 9 meters northward going to the church.Questions:1.How far is he from the starting point which is his house?2.How did you arrive at the answer to the problem?3.What important concepts/skills have you applied to arrive at your answer?4.Can you think of an original way to solve the problem?plzz anwer me!!!!! in Lesson 3 solving Radical equations.​


d = √3h/2






15. D. Guide questions 1. What is online education/distant learning education? 2. How is it done? 3. What are the positive and negative effects of having this type education to the following persons? a. learners b. parents c. teachers 4. How do you see our educational system in the future? HELP ME ASAP AND MAKE IT CORRECT PLS ITS IMPORTANT IMMA GIVE 45 points to the correct answer



16. Answer the following questions honestly. This can be used as a guide if you ever encounter a situation where you would need to provide counseling to another person 1. Building Rapport / Strengths Could you tell me some things about yourself? What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at? Describe what an awesome day would be like for you. What would the important people in your life say what is awesome about you? What do you enjoy learning about? 2. Goals How will you know that meeting here today was helpful? How would you know that coming here was worth your time? What do you hope to get out of visiting here today? What do you hope to see happen instead of what is bothering you? 3. Miracle Question If you could wave a magic wand and things changed, how would you know magic has happened? What would be different? What would you be doing differently that showed you your hopes came true? What else would be different? What other changes would you experience? Who would notice a change had happened? What would they see? 4. Exceptions to the Problem & Competencies When are the times that "the problem is not such a problem? What is different? When does the problem" not bother you so much? How have you managed so far to deal with the problem" What has helped so far? Even if it has been just a little help. How have you found the courage to deal with this problem? 5. Scaling On a scale of 10 to 0, where 10 means your hope and goal has come true and O is the worst you can imagine, what number are you now? How will you know you have moved up one number? What will one number higher look like? How would you be able to move up one point? 6. Closure / Plan / What will you try differently or do more of when you leave today? What experiment can you try out? What is the best thing you noticed about yourself today?​​


hak dog hak dog


tnx for point



17. Answer the following questions honestly. This can be used as a guide if you ever encounter a situation where you would need to provide counseling to another person 1. Building Rapport / Strengths Could you tell me some things about yourself? What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at? Describe what an awesome day would be like for you. What would the important people in your life say what is awesome about you? What do you enjoy learning about? 2. Goals How will you know that meeting here today was helpful? How would you know that coming here was worth your time? What do you hope to get out of visiting here today? What do you hope to see happen instead of what is bothering you? 3. Miracle Question If you could wave a magic wand and things changed, how would you know magic has happened? What would be different? What would you be doing differently that showed you your hopes came true? What else would be different? What other changes would you experience? Who would notice a change had happened? What would they see? 4. Exceptions to the Problem & Competencies When are the times that "the problem is not such a problem? What is different? When does the problem" not bother you so much? How have you managed so far to deal with the problem" What has helped so far? Even if it has been just a little help. How have you found the courage to deal with this problem? 5. Scaling On a scale of 10 to 0, where 10 means your hope and goal has come true and O is the worst you can imagine, what number are you now? How will you know you have moved up one number? What will one number higher look like? How would you be able to move up one point? 6. Closure / Plan / What will you try differently or do more of when you leave today? What experiment can you try out? What is the best thing you noticed about yourself today?​


gayamo na yan



18. Directions: Read the short dialogue below. Circle the personal pronouns used. 1. Do you know Andy? Sure, he is in my class, I study with him. Why? Oh, nothing. I want him to help him, that's all. I have his phone number. Call him! Ok, thanks! Red 2. Hey Tyler, do you like lemons? Yes, I really like it. And do you like rice? ? And how about chicken? Yes, I like that too. Why do you ask it? I want to make lemon chicken for dinner. Sounds great! 3. What's that? Oh, it's a photo of my family. Look she is my mom. Oh yes, I know her. Who are they? They are my uncle. All of us like them. Wow, we li know ke to meet them. Me too I'd love to see them personally, Soon, they will be here. Great!​


1. he, him

2. I

3. my, she, they, them, her, me




3. mom and uncle


hope it helps

19. Specifically, this module will help you to:Identify the different visual elementsExplain the meaning the visual elements suggest.Express and develop ideas in visual texts, for example, how meaning aboutwho, what, where, when, why, can be designed through choices of lines andsymbols.• Answer related activities providedPRETESTDirections: Study the visual text and answer the questions that followQUESTIONSANSWERS1. What do I see?(What do you observe? What else?)2. What does it remind me of?(Another image? A personalexperience?)​


Where is the visual text? I cant answer it if i dont see it

20. A. Directions: Read and comprehend the poem “Covid 19” by Steven Kiama Ambrose from the country – Juba, South Judan “The human race shall always overcome,” said Jommo Kenyatta See, I am the ultimate test How well do you work together? How well coordinated are you? Covid 19 is my name I know no boundaries or lanes No celebrity can match my fame Like a roaring flame I engulf all on my path The poor and the rich both feel my wrath You have a common enemy in me So, lower your guns and focus on mellower your rank, tribe, ethnicity and focus on me For can’t you see, can’t you see I know off no hierarchy My presence brings fear and anarchy I stronger than Samson For I break the unbreakable I’ll break your economy I’ll break your faith But that’s only if you let me For the racism you show only strengthens me You like hiding your identity, then wear a mask You claim that your hands are clean, then sanitize For the death I cause is no man’s fault but rather my nature You shall overcome me; it’s in your blood, it’s your nature I am no professor, neither is this a lecture As nations cower in fear For I grab many victims in a day For once they see something worse than war For once they see humanity is worth fighting for What goes up must come down No authority is higher than me For I break the laws of traditions I break the laws of a normal condition But I’ll never break the so-called men Bend them to their breaking points Once they kill me, they forget my wrath and once again I’ll strike As you suffer because of me Also try and learn from me and your mistakes As I go down the books of history Still there’s more to come Maintain the togetherness And there will be no harm Share the little you have Before I strike and leave you with none The only way to survive me, is by joining heads Lock your doors for I roam the streets Stay alert for like an assassin; you never know my target. But only working together can tame my B. Directions: Answer the following questions related to the poem – Covid 19 1. What is the poem about? 2. What is the author’s personal view about the poem? 3. Did the poem affect you? If not, why? If yes, in what way? C. Directions: Complete the table below: Pick three lines from the poem – Covid 19 What do you think is the author’s personal view when he wrote the line? Provide a one-word equivalent for that personal view


In the country's capital, Juba, residents speak Jubas Arabic, which is an Arabic pidgin. Some citizens are also capable of speaking Modern Standard Arabic or Sudanese Arabic. There have been previous attempts to use Arabic as a language of instruction in schools.

21. "how other see me?"identify your self perception and compare it others by answering questions below.1. Name three leader do you look up to? •••1. Name three people you think believe in you as a person.•••1. Write down three qualities of the people you admire or look up to.•••1. Write down three qualities that people think of me as a leader.•••1. What make these people affective leader? Name three.•••1. How can I emulate their characteristics to be a good leader? Name three.•••Pahelp​​


1. •Ex-US President Barack Obama

•Late Senator Miriam Santiago

•Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

1. (Name of your mother)

(Name of your Father)

(Name of one of your friend)

1. •Born to serve people.

•Sticks to their words.


1. •Good Speaker

•A follower

•A Listener

1. •They value their people

•They set aside their desires

•They serve justice.

1. •I will follow their strategies and good deeds.

•Look up to them as my inspiration.

•Continue their legacy (greatness)

22. Answer the following questions honestly. This can be used as a guide if you ever encounter a situation where you would need to provide counseling to another person 1. Building Rapport / Strengths Could you tell me some things about yourself? What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at? Describe what an awesome day would be like for you. What would the important people in your life say what is awesome about you? What do you enjoy learning about? 2. Goals How will you know that meeting here today was helpful? How would you know that coming here was worth your time? What do you hope to get out of visiting here today? What do you hope to see happen instead of what is bothering you? 3. Miracle Question If you could wave a magic wand and things changed, how would you know magic has happened? What would be different? What would you be doing differently that showed you your hopes came true? What else would be different? What other changes would you experience? Who would notice a change had happened? What would they see? 4. Exceptions to the Problem & Competencies When are the times that "the problem is not such a problem? What is different? When does the problem" not bother you so much? How have you managed so far to deal with the problem" What has helped so far? Even if it has been just a little help. How have you found the courage to deal with this problem? 5. Scaling On a scale of 10 to 0, where 10 means your hope and goal has come true and O is the worst you can imagine, what number are you now? How will you know you have moved up one number? What will one number higher look like? How would you be able to move up one point? 6. Closure / Plan / What will you try differently or do more of when you leave today? What experiment can you try out? What is the best thing you noticed about yourself today?​​

that is fifteen chapter na ito

23. answers on the space pro1. "Please hear me out, I really need to tell you something."2. "That's it for today's class, I'll see you all again next week."3. "You wanted to say something?"4. "What do you think about the weather today?"5. "Please share your ideas about climate change."6. "How's your day at school?"7. "Thank you very much for your help! See you around!"8. "It's nice to see you. I came to visit you because I want to personallysay sorry for what I said last week."9. "I will be busy this week. What if we talk about it next week?"10. “You may now share your knowledge about climate change."11. "What do you think is the reason why the weather changes? Do youthink it is about climate change?12. "What about you? What did you like about our activity today? Pleaseshare it to the class now."13. "Yes, you got it. I'll meet you there, bye!"14. "What do you think about climate change? Let's listen to yourclassmate's answer."​

thank you for your help e

24. Sentences Activity 6. Identify the sentence it is declarative, interrogative. imperative or exclamatory sentence She was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen 2. Please tell me where I can find my lost dog 3. How do you see yourself 10 years from now? 4 That horse is really fast! 5. Can you give me the name of that girl in the park? 8 where you get that ticket? You are an intelligent person 3 The students are now enrolled in the university Farmers and fishermen contribute to our country's economy. 10. Do you live in a bamo?​


1.She was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.

Answer: Declarative

2. Please tell me where I can find my lost dog

Answer: Imperative

3. How do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Answer: Interrogative

4 That horse is really fast!

Answer: Exclamatory

5. Can you give me the name of that girl in the park?

Answer: Interrogative

6. where you get that ticket?

Answer: Interrogative

7.  You are an intelligent person.

Answer: Declarative

8. The students are now enrolled in the university.

Answer: Declarative

9. Farmers and fishermen contribute to our country's economy.

Answer: Declarative

10. Do you live in a bamo?​

Answer: Interrogative


25. Let’s Explore This Suggested Time Allotment: 15 minutes MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL Think of a person whom you want to talk to (can be friend, teacher, guidance counselor, brother, sister or cousin, parent or guardian). Write his/her name separately on a 1/4 size paper using a permanent marker or a pen. Face the mirror, post the name of your chosen person on the mirror. Imagine that that person is facing you. Talk to yourself in the mirror and to the person you chose guided by the following instructions. Instructions: Imagine that you are looking at the mirror, and from the mirror you see yourself. Please talk to yourself and say that “I am proud of you because you are ______” Then, your friends pop up in the mirror (post the name of your friends in the mirror), please tell your friends that “You should be happy with me because I’m _______.” Then, your teachers pop up in the mirror (post the name of your teachers in the mirror), please tell them that “You should be happy with me because I’m _______.” Then, your brothers/sisters pop up in the mirror (post the name of your brothers/sisters/cousins), please tell them that “You should be happy with me because I’m _______.” Then, your parents pop up in the mirror (post the name of your parents/guardian or whom you consider as your parent in the mirror), please tell them that “You should be proud of me because I’m _______.” Answer the processing questions on a separate clean paper. Make sure to write your name, title of the worksheet as the heading of the activity and compile it in your portfolio. Processing Questions: 1. How did you find the activity? 2. How do you feel about talking to yourself? Your friends? Teachers? Family? 3. What have you discovered about yourself during your self-talk? 4. How is the activity helping you enhance your self-worth?


1.i find the is in the talking to tourself

2.feeling crazy


26. 34. Take an umbrella. It rain later.A. has toB.needC. mightD.should35. My grandfather has never flown in an airplane;D. butA. neitherB. nor36. I am very tiredI have been working all day.A.soB. becauseC. thereforeD.and37. Identify the point of view: Once you have the cake in the oven, start to make the whipped cream frosting.Combine whipping cream, powdered sugar, and food color in a small mixer bowl. Make sure you add just a smallamount of food color.A.third personB. first personC. second Person38. Identify the point of view: /walked towards the bus stop, hoping to not see Maria. She told everyone my biggestsecret and I was never going to forgive her, no matter how hard she tried to cheer me up.A.third personB.first personC. second personD. fourth person39. In thepoint-of-view, the reader feels as though he or she is a character in the story.The author uses the pronoun you and your, as though the reader is the character in the story.A. third personB. first personC. second personD. fourth person40. What do we usually see in newspapers?A. headline News B. sportsC. opinionD. all of the above​










hope it helps if its wrong just corrct me i wish i got brainliest for the first time :)

27. 6 Which among the following questions are you going to ask when you connect personal experiences to what you read or viewed? A How is this text si mi ar to other texts I have read? В Has something like this ever happened to me? C. Have I read something like this before? D Do you see connections to controversial issues on big related ideas?​

Which among the following questions are you going to ask when you connect personal experiences to what you read or viewed? A How is this text si mi ar to other texts I have read? В Has something like this ever happened to me? C. Have I read something like this before? D Do you see connections to controversial issues on big related ideas?

28. What's New?Activity 1: Think of the people you encounter every day. Identify the persons towhom you are most likely to say the following statements. Write their names on theblanks"How are you today?""Did you hear the latest news?"“May I see your work?""What must I do with my life now?""I appreciate everything you have done for me.""Without you, my life will have no meaning." paki sagot po Please​


my Name:Nizer

How are you today?"Not good

"Did you hear the latest news?"Nope,why

“May I see your work?"why!?

"What must I do with my life now?"just relax haha

"I appreciate everything you have done for me."Okay I appreciate that

"Without you, my life will have no meaning." ohhsss

29. D. Guide questions 1. What is online education/distant learning education? 2. How is it done? 3. What are the positive and negative effects of having this type education to the following persons? a. learners b. parents c. teachers 4. How do you see our educational system in the future? HELP ME ASAP AND MAKE IT CORRECT PLS ITS REALLY IMPORTANT :)


wee panong Important?


sorry gusto kolang nang points

sana Naman mabait kaaa

30. Directions: Read the short dialogue below. Circie the personal pronouns used.1.Do you know Andy?Sure, he is in my class, I study with him. Why?Oh, nothing. I want him to help him, that's all.I have his phone number. Call him!Ok, thanks!LRT2.Hey Tyler, do you like lemons?Yes, I really like it.And do you like rice?And how about chicken?Yes, I like that too. Why do you ask it?I want to make lemon chicken for dinnerSounds great!3.What's that?Oh, it's a photo of my family. Look she is my mom.Oh yes, I know her. Who are they?They are my uncle. All of us like them.Wow, we like to meet them. Me too I'd love to see them personally.Soon, they will be here.Great!​


1.Call her now


1.Call her now I want him to help her

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