Indomitable In Tagalog

Indomitable In Tagalog

what is the meaning of indomitable? ​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the meaning of indomitable? ​


impossible to subdue or defeat.


sana nakatulong goodluck & gbu

2. how is the human spirit indomitable? ​


The human spirit is indomitable because God designed us to be able to handle anything that life throws our way. The human spirit is unequaled in power and nothing can defeat it.



3. what are the six virtues of indomitable spirit?​


The tenets of Taekwondo are often given in a list of five: courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit.


spirit of the glass

spirit of the santo

spirit of libog

spirit of masamang damo

spirit of the bulbul mo

4. I. DIRECTION: Determine the type o relationship expressed in the pair ofwords given. Choose your answer from the box.Part to wholeAntonymPerson to situationSynonymGeographyCause and EffectTime1. Punch: cry:: tickled : laugh2. Skillful: Expert:: industrious : hardworking3. Virus: disease:: La Niña: Flood4. Zipper: Jeans:: Ink: ball pen5. March: Spring:: December : Winter6. Balangkoy Festival: Sta.Marcela :: Panagapit ken Panagyaman : Luna7. Wicked: evil:: represent : character8. Class: student:: team : player9. Chef: Restaurant:: Banker : Bank10. Contaminated: Pure:: indomitable : feeble​


thank you sa points next time ulit

5. I. DIRECTION: Determine the type o relationship expressed in the pair ofwords given. Choose your answer from the box.Part to wholeAntonymSynonymPerson to situationGeographyCause and EffectTime1. Punch: cry: tickled : laugh2. Skillful: Expert: industrious: hardworking3. Virus: disease: La Niña: Flood4. Zipper: Jeans: Ink: ball pen5. March: Spring : December: Winter6. Balangkoy Festival: Sta. Marcela : Panagapit ken Panagyaman : Luna7. Wicked: evil: represent : character8. Class: student: team : player9. Chef: Restaurant: Banker : Bank10. Contaminated: Pure: indomitable : feeble​


Cause and effectSynonymCause and effect Part to wholeTime GeographySynonym Part to wholePerson to situationAntonym

6. Find 10 Active and Passive sentences in President Laurel's Speech. In this critical period of our history, we need the heart, the soul and the vigor of the youth of our land to help us build our country on the most enduring basis of brotherhood and solidarity of all Filipinos. I am, therefore, happy to know of the integration of the Filipino youth and that the Filipino youth is now on the march. The question is: Where is it going? Is it marching with irresistible will and determination toward progress and civilization, peace and order, and the prosperity and happiness of the Fatherland? If it is, I, as the chosen head of our nation and our people, heartily welcome it and bid it Godspeed. It is trite saying that the future belongs to youth, especially to those dynamic, aggressive and self-confident young men and women who have foresight. Thus, they have the bounden duty to ensure it. So much faith the greatest Filipino patriot and hero, Rizal, had in the youth of the land that while he was still in his teens, he dedicated to it his prize winning poem entitled “To the Filipino Youth,” and he called the Filipino youth not without reason and justification “Fair hope of my Fatherland.” Several years later, when Rizal was in Madrid, he thought again of the Filipino youth. On the occasion of the signal honor and distinction conferred upon the famous Filipino painter Juan Luna when one of his paintings was awarded the highest prize in the artistic world, Rizal offered a touching toast. He expressed the fervent hope that the worthy and commendable examples of Juan Luna, and Resurrection, another famed Filipino painter, will be imitated or emulated by the Filipino youth. In the course of a few years that youth had become to him more than the “fair hope of my fatherland”; it had become the “sacred hope of my Fatherland.” Rizal’s fair and sacred hope is represented by the young men and women of today, by you, the Filipino youth on the march, you who will be either the leaders and masters of your country and your country’s fate tomorrow or the hewers of wood and drawers of water for other people more ambitious and far-seeing than you, men with vision, with courage, and with an indomitable will to succeed whatever be the obstacles. Inspired by the same noble sentiment, the late Dr. Rafael Palma, builder of the University of the Philippines, dedicated to the same youth, to the same “fair and sacred hope” of the Fatherland, his last work and masterpiece, his life-size biography of Rizal. In his dedicatory remarks he gave voice to his abiding faith and confidence in the ability of the Filipino young men and women to make good. Have they made good or are they making good? Were Rizal living today would he be proud of them? Would he say, if he could see them from beyond the tomb, that he did not die in vain, that his country’s sacred and beautiful hope has not disappointed him and those who like him had given their full measure of sacrifice for the glory of their Fatherland? How fare the youth of the land? Are they planting the seeds that will make their country great? Do they realize the serious problems that now confront the Republic of the Philippines, which is their Republic, and are they contributing to the fullest extent to the solution of such problems? Are they putting their strong and broad shoulders on the wheel of progress and prosperity? Are they helping actively in the complete restoration of peace and order in their country and in the gigantic reconstruction work which both the people and the government must undertake? Are they doing their duty as citizens of the Republic, working for the common happiness and welfare of their respective communities? As ye sow, so shall ye reap. Are the Filipino young men and women of today sowing the seeds of peace and prosperity so that they will reap the fruits of progress and tranquillity? Man is the archetype of society. Both society and the nation grow as the individuals grow. Unless our youth prepare for the future, there will be no future for them. “I want to let those who deny us every feeling of patriotism,” wrote Rizal, “that we know how to die for our duty and for our convictions. What matters death if one dies for what one loves, for one’s country, and for those one adores?” In one of his parting letters he wrote “My future, my life, my joys, all I have sacrificed for my love for her”—referring to the Philippines. “Whatever be my fate, I will die blessing her and wishing her the dawn of her redemption.” That, you will agree, is a wonderful sentiment. Does the Filipino youth of today feel and cherish it?


Active Sentences:

1. We need the heart, the soul and the vigor of the youth of our land to help us build our country.

2. I am, therefore, happy to know of the integration of the Filipino youth and that the Filipino youth is now on the march.

3. The question is: Where is it going?

4. Is it marching with irresistible will and determination toward progress and civilization, peace and order, and the prosperity and happiness of the Fatherland?

5. If it is, I, as the chosen head of our nation and our people, heartily welcome it and bid it Godspeed.

6. It is trite saying that the future belongs to youth.

7. Thus, they have the bounden duty to ensure it.

8. So much faith the greatest Filipino patriot and hero, Rizal, had in the youth of the land.

Passive Sentences:

1. Our country is being built with help from the youth of our land.

2. The Filipino youth is being integrated.

3. The Filipino youth is being asked where it is going.

4. Progress and civilization, peace and order, and the prosperity and happiness of the Fatherland are being marched towards with will and determination.

5. The chosen head of our nation and our people is being welcomed and bid Godspeed.

7. Hello, I will be sending parts of my essay for people to correct. Would want it to be perfect for my teacher to understand why they are so important to me. All my life I have loved doing many things, but only a few amazing things have turned into big goals. That has made me the person I am today. One of these goals is in TKD. I have enjoyed doing TKD since I was in the kinder garden. I enjoy TKD because it has taught me honesty, integrity, perseverance, self-control, an indomitable spirit, and most importantly, confidence. The dojang has taught me self-defense, and I have stuck to it for many years. It is important to me because the people there have kept me going. Also, it is a fun sport to do. With all of this information, you can conclude that this sport is important to me. Since you probably understand now why I picked this sport. Even though I am very good and have my black belt, my journey will not stop there. I want to continue helping at the dojang, And go up in ranks. That is my current goal for TKD for now.


All my life I have loved doing many things, but only a few amazing things have turned into big goals that have made me the person I am today.

One of these amazing goals is in TKD. I have enjoyed doing TKD since I was in the kinder garden. I enjoyed TKD because it has taught me honesty, integrity, perseverance, self-control, an indomitable spirit, and most importantly, confidence. The dojang has taught me self-defense, obviously, and I am stuck to it for many years. It is important to me for the reason that the people there have kept me going. Also, it is a very fun sport to do. With all of this information, I think, you can conclude that this sport is very important to me. Since, you probably understand now why I picked this sport. Even though, I am very good and have my black belt, my journey will not stop there. I want to continue helping at the dojang and go up in ranks. That is my current goal for TKD for now.

8. the poem invictus is about the indomitable spirit of an individual who despite the sickness and trials he was in, still has the will to live and survive ​


The poem's message is one of perseverance in the face of adversity, strength, and the stiff upper lip that we associate with the Victorian era. Henley penned the poem after having his leg amputated owing to Tuberculosis complications, and his literary fame is built on these few lines.

9. bakit mahalaga ang indomitable spirit sa taekwondo


Indomitable spirit is related to both perseverance and self-control. And to many practitioners of Taekwondo it is the most important tenet. To have indomitable spirit is to "never say never," to never quit in the face of an enemy or an overwhelming obstacle or situation, once a just path has been chosen.

10. A.choose from the pool of answers the writers/speakers intention as hinted by each underlined expression.A.abilityB.necessityC.willingnessD.obligationE.probability1.odin,the king of the gods,(needs to) have more wisdom.NEEDS TO Ang naka underlined2.I don't believe Filipinos cannot surpass the challenge against covid 19.we have an indomitable spirit,thus,we (will) win the war together.WILL Ang naka (should) think again many times,before you decide on what to do.SHOULD Ang naka underlined4.ordinary trials (can) be turned into extraordinary moments.CAN Ang naka underlinedpahelp po Kailangan na Kailangan ko lang po​


1. A

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. E

6. D

7. A

8. A

9. E

10. E


pa follow po

11. what is the relationship of the words in this analogy.contaminated : pure :: indomitable : feeble A. synonymB. antonymC. part of a wholeD. object of function​


A. po yan sigurado kase grade 7 naako

12. ano ang kahalagahan ng indomitable spirit sa taekwondo

Answer: So indomitable spirit, I think, refers to

that essential life force within

a person which cannot be beaten


Explanation: pa brainliest

13. Topic: Context CluesOn the space provided before each number, write the word from the list below that best completes each ofthe following sentences.anodyneefficaciousstaunchobliviontorporindomitableaspiresincessantvirulentrudimentary1. She is a____tsupporter of her favorite basketball team, theNew York Knicks.2. In any field, hard work is necessary if one_____to greatness.3. There_____questioning finally caused the prisoner to break down.4. Since the_____was not long-lasting, the pain returned in an hour.5. Plant cuttings will quickly develop a_____root system in water.6. The most_____way to diet is to forgo desserts.7. The spider's bite was so___they feared for the victim's life.8. Because of his____will to live, he regained his health.9. Her_____was a result of illness, not of boredom.10. The sensational book sold well at first but soon fell into____​





14. PART I. MULTIPLE CHOICEContext Clues_________1.The new term may be formally defined, or sufficient explanation may be given within the sentence?A. Definition/Description clue B. Example clue C. Synonym Restatement clue D.Antonym clue_________2. Sometimes when a reader finds a new word, an example might be found nearby.A. Definition/Description clue B. Example clue C. Synonym Restatement clue D.Antonym clue_________3. The reader may discover the meaning of an unknown word because it repeats an idea expressed in familiar words.A. Definition/Description clue B. Example clue C. Synonym Restatement clue D.Antonym clue_________4. The meaning of an unfamiliar word with the meaning of a familiar term.A. Definition/Description clue B. Example clue C. Synonym Restatement clue D.Antonym clue_________5. The author sets a mood, and the meaning of the unknown word must harmonize with the mood. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Inference clue_________6. Sometimes a reader knows from experience how people or things act in a given situation. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Inference clue_________7. The parts used to construct a word can be direct clues to meaning. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Inference clue_________8.It might be available for the careful reader to make an educated guess at the meaning. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Inference clue_________9. The author explains the reason for or the result of the word. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Cause and effect clue_________10.Words like “because,” “since,” “therefore,” “thus,” “so,” etc. may signal context clues. A. Mood/Tone clue B. Experience clue C. Analysis/structure clue D.Cause and effect clue By using Context Clues, give the word that corresponds to the italicized words before the number._________11. My father is not easily discouraged. He has an indomitable conviction to face problems.A. Firm B. Happy C. Natural D.Careful_________12. He who enjoys the company of others is gregarious. A.. aloof B.sympathetic C. sociable D.Helpful_________13. Juan does not deserve the award. He won the contest clandestinely A. publicly B. honestly C.dishonestly D.easily_________14. My son is indolent. He does not like to work.A.hardworking B.diligent C. lazy D.obedient_________15. Obstinate children are usually hard to discipline.A. hardheaded B. effeminate C. careful D.diligent_________16.Pedro is a henpecked husband. He cant decide without his wife’s confirmation.A. domineering B.loving C.dominated by the wife D.aggressive_________17.I can’t sleep inside the room. I smell something obnoxious. A. Fragrant B. offensive C. anxious D.regular _________18.Murder, a heinous crime , is not bailable.A. critical B. light C. slightly serious D.very serious_________19.Kulas lives with a woman who is not his wife. He has a paramour.A. lawful lover B. lover C. mistress D. girlfriendPART II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is false.Citation_________20. An in-text citation is a citation utilized in the body of your writing. _________21. An authored book is a book written by one or more individuals._________22. An authored book is recorded in our reference page quite similarly to the way we record articles._________23. An edited book is a book in which an editor or group of editors has put together._________24. The volume number refers to the number of years a magazine has been in publication_________25. An online source is material you find online._________26. Primary sources are the materials that hold the original quote or information you are using._________27. A citation tells the reader where you got information or an idea from._________28. Some other names for online sources are electronic sources, web sources and Internet sources._________29. The issue number is the sequence in which that issue falls for the current year. _________30. A journal article is a work published in a written or electronic medium.Modals_________31. Modals is a helper that gives additional information about the verb that follows it._________32. Modals is a verb that combines with another verb to indicate mood or tense._________33.Modals also known as modal auxiliary or modal verb._________34. Modals can, could, may, might, would are the modals we can used in expressing permission. _________35.Can is used to show permission, possibility, and ability. PART III. 36-40. Explain the following briefly.1. What is If Clause?2. What is Result Clues?​


1) A

2) C

3) B

4) D

5) A

6) A

7) A

8) C



11) B

12) C

13) A

14) D



15. Hello I will be sending little parts of my essay for people to correct, I want it to be perfect for my teacher to understand why they are so important to me. All my life I have loved doing many things, but only a few amazing things have turned into big goals that have made me the person I am today. One of these amazing goals is in TKD. I have enjoyed doing TKD since I was in the kinder garden. I enjoy TKD because it has taught me honesty, integrity, perseverance, self-control, an indomitable spirit, and most importantly confidence. The dojang has taught me self-defense obviously, and I have stuck to it for many years. It is important to me because the people there have kept me going. Also, it is a very fun sport to do. With all of this information, I think you can conclude that this sport is very important to me. Since you probably understand now why I picked this sport. Even though I am very good and have my black belt, my journey will not stop there. I want to continue helping at the dojang, And go up in ranks. That is my current goal for TKD for now.


All my life I have loved doing many things, but only a few amazing things have turned into big goals that have made me the person I am today.

One of these amazing goals is in TKD. I have enjoyed doing TKD since I was in the kinder garden. I enjoyed TKD because it has taught me honesty, integrity, perseverance, self-control, an indomitable spirit, and most importantly, confidence. The dojang has taught me self-defense, obviously, and I am stuck to it for many years. It is important to me for the reason that the people there have kept me going. Also, it is a very fun sport to do. With all of this information, I think, you can conclude that this sport is very important to me. Since, you probably understand now why I picked this sport. Even though, I am very good and have my black belt, my journey will not stop there. I want to continue helping at the dojang and go up in ranks. That is my current goal for TKD for now.

16. 1.minute : hour :: ounce : poundCause and EffectWhole and PartAction and : fork :: dig : shovel Cause and EffectWhole and PartAction and Object3.glasses : read :: crutches : walk Cause and EffectWhole and PartAction and Object4.ostentatious : showy :: summit : topSynonymAntonymCharacteristics5.impound : seize :: represent : portraySynonymAntonymCharacteristics6.contaminated : pure :: indomitable : feeblSynonymAntonymCharacteristics7.wicked : nefarious :: represent : characterizeSynonymAntonymCharacteristics8.shark : scavenger :: spider : carnivoreSynonymAntonymCharacteristics9.martinet : strict :: comedian : humorousSynonymAntonymCharacteristics10.plucky : cowardly :: vivid : dull​SynonymAntonymCharacteristics​


1) cause and effect

2)action and object

3) whole and part

4) synonym

5) characteristics

6) antonym

7) antonym

8) characteristics

9) synonym

10) synonym


I don't have explanation.

17. 1.minute : hour :: ounce : poundCause and EffectWhole and PartAction and : fork :: dig : shovel Cause and EffectWhole and PartAction and Object3.glasses : read :: crutches : walk Cause and EffectWhole and PartAction and Object4.ostentatious : showy :: summit : topSynonymAntonymCharacteristics5.impound : seize :: represent : portraySynonymAntonymCharacteristics6.contaminated : pure :: indomitable : feeblSynonymAntonymCharacteristics7.wicked : nefarious :: represent : characterizeSynonymAntonymCharacteristics8.shark : scavenger :: spider : carnivoreSynonymAntonymCharacteristics9.martinet : strict :: comedian : humorousSynonymAntonymCharacteristics10.plucky : cowardly :: vivid : dull​SynonymAntonymCharacteristics​


1. whole and part

2. action and object

3. action and object

4 synonym

5. synonym

6. antonym

7. synonym

8. antonym

9. characteristics

10. antonym

18. RIALWe share the common destinyin combating COVID-19NBy Chinese Ambassador to Guyana needed medical supplies China's epi-demic prevention and control hasachieved remarkable results. As ofThe cases of COVID-19 and sumber of March 16, the number of new cases percountries affected are continuously day in China bas dropped from theng around the world. Several cases peak of 15,152 to 21. and the con-were confirmed in Guyan. In the age firmed cases in 13 provinces fell toof globalization, the virus know's no zero. The WHO believes that China'sborders. In face of this common public prevention and control measureshealth challenge, no country can sund changed the dangerous course of thealone. Fully cooperating with each rapid spread of the epidemic andother with mutual respect and upbold reduced hundreds of thousands of casesing the concept of building a commune nationwide. The slowing down ofty of shared fumure for mankind is the China's epidemic has protected interbest choice to combat the pandemic national security, built the first line ofChina is one of the countries hit hard defense against the spread, and eamedby the disease. As families were cele time for the world to fight the pandembrating the Spring Festival, the suddenamack of this brand-new virus has Since the beginning of the outbreakCui Jianchunbrought eat harm to many Chinese China has been adopting an open.people. Valung people's lives and transparent and responsible manner inSouth Korea, Italy. Iran and otherbealth above allthe Chinese govem international cooperation. WHO has countries that once supported China.ment has adopted the most comprebes been well and timely infomed. We China has within its ability, dispatchedsive, strictest and most thorougb pre shared full genome sequence, primers several medical expert teams to rele-vention and control measures in histo- and probes of the virus with the intervant countries and donated a largery. Anti-epidemic campaigns started in national community. We also shared number of medical supplies Medicalcities, villages, factones, and streets many technical documents, including supplies including masks and protecPeople across the country united as our epidemic prevention and control tive clothing provided by China topa watched out for each other, and measures, as well as diagnosis and Guyana will also arrive here shortlyled with indomitable resilience, treatment plans, with more than 100Just as Guyana's national monorent miracles such as the construc countries around the world and over 10"One people, One Nation One Deste hospitals with more than international and regional organiza y all the countries are on the sameonly dezen days. tions The Chinese government donat global village, and we show the commore than 170 countries od 30 milion USD to WHO supportmon destiny. Upholding the concept ofcommunity of shared tume foral and relor tion in figuring the epidemic and help makund. China willing to cometo work and in hand with aller the sympathes ng developing countnes improve their​


Paki sagut po no need po ako char

19. : pure :: indomitable : feeble (antonym)a) rhythmicc) contaminatedb) weakd) unconquerable​


D. Unconquerable


feeble is mahina kaya ang antonym niya ay malakas... unconquerable meaning hindi sya natatalo

20. "Strength does not come from the physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."

Ok tol sabi mo eh :<:>•••••••

21. What is Indomitable spirit? Give at least 2 example and explain​


The definition of indomitable is something that can't be beaten. An example of indomitable is a cancer survivor who goes on to run a marathon. adjective. Incapable of being subdued, overcome, or vanquished.


pa brainliest pllls

1.) Everyday is an opportunity to practice Indomitable spirit.

2.) We all face failures. Don't let failure define you, instead continue to work toward success.



22. Part IV- Making Inferences Bayanihan ni Juan: The Filipino Spirit at its Finest - PASIG CITY (April 13 2020) - The indomitable Filipino spirit is known to rise up during the most challenging of times. We have seen this countless times during natural and man-made disasters, calamities, and situations of armed conflict. As COVID-19 continues to spread across the country, this "bayanihan" spirit is being exemplified by local artists, designers and entrepreneurs who have moved out of their comfort zones so they could give a hand to the nation's frontliners against the disease. Weaving threads of hope and resilience There has been a worldwide shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) since the outbreak of the viral disease which has taken a heavy toll on the country's health care sector. In Cagayan de Oro, a seasoned member of the Mindanao fashion industry is using her shears, measuring tape and fabric to produce Philippine flag-inspired PPEs for the nation's medical frontliners. Dubbed the Queen of Mindanaoan Fashion,' Guela Ampong, is a nurse-turned- designer with 11 years of experience in the fashion business. As a nurse herself, Ampong understands the need to protect the health of frontliners.kadugtong po ng dulo ung photo​


Hybrid Cars may not be the best choice for eveyone.


23. I DIRECTION: Determine the type o relationship expressed in the pate of words given. Choose your answer from the box Part to whole Antonym Person to situation Synonym Geography Cause and Effect Time 1. Punch:cry: tickled laugh 2. Skillful: Expert:: industrious : hardworking 3. Virus: disease: La Nina: Flood 4. Zipper: Jeans:: Ink: ball pen 5. March: Spring:: December Winter 6. Balangkoy Festival: Sta. Marcela .. Panagapit ken Panagyaman Luna 7. Wicked: evil:: represent character 8. Class: student:: team player 9. Chef Restaurant:: Banker : Bank 10. Contaminated: Pure:: indomitable : feeble​


I DIRECTION: Determine the type o relationship expressed in the pate of words given. Choose your answer from the box Part to whole Antonym Person to situation Synonym Geography Cause and Effect Time 1. Punch:cry: tickled laugh 2. Skillful: Expert:: industrious : hardworking 3. Virus: disease: La Nina: Flood 4. Zipper: Jeans:: Ink: ball pen 5. March: Spring:: December Winter 6. Balangkoy Festival: Sta. Marcela .. Panagapit ken Panagyaman Luna 7. Wicked: evil:: represent character 8. Class: student:: team player 9. Chef Restaurant:: Banker : Bank 10. Contaminated: Pure:: indomitable : feeble thanks sa pots pa brain_liest po


the answer of that is antonym cause there has opporsite meaning po


Sana po makatulong po

check if I'm wrong godbless

pabrainliest po

24. What does the word circumstance in line 5 refer to? a. His situation b. His blessedness c. His mentality d. His indomitable attitude




in the fell clutch of circumstance

25. what makes me proud to be a Filipina are our indomitable spirit we never gives up even in the worst adversity. I sees similing faces prevail even our trias and troubls. Filipinos is resilient and faithful to God. we is a people of such great faith!what is your answer?


excellent and yes it is it

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