2 Corinthians 9 8 Tagalog

2 Corinthians 9 8 Tagalog

Ionic, Doric, Corinthian description 1-2 paragraph tagalog

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1. Ionic, Doric, Corinthian description 1-2 paragraph tagalog


  Ang isang order sa arkitektura ay isang tiyak na pagtitipon ng mga bahagi na nakabatay sa unipormeng itinatag na mga sukat, na kinokontrol ng opisina na dapat isagawa ng bawat bahagi ". Pagdating sa kasalukuyan mula sa Sinaunang Griyego at Sinaunang Romanong sibilisasyon, ang mga arkitektural na mga order ay ang mga estilo ng arkitekturang klasiko, bawat nakikilala sa pamamagitan ng mga proporsyon at katangian ng mga profile at mga detalye nito, at pinaka-madaling makilala sa pamamagitan ng uri ng hanay na nagtatrabaho. Ang tatlong order ng arkitektura-ang Doric, Ionic, at Corinto-nagmula sa Gresya. Sa mga Romano idinagdag, sa pagsasanay kung hindi sa pangalan, ang Tuscan, na kanilang ginawa mas simple kaysa sa Doric, at ang Composite, na mas pampalamuti kaysa sa Corinto.

Ang arkitektural na pagkakasunud-sunod ng isang klasikal na gusali ay katulad ng mode o susi ng musikang klasiko, ang gramatika o retorika ng isang nakasulat na komposisyon. Ito ay itinatag sa pamamagitan ng ilang mga modules tulad ng mga pagitan ng musika, at ito ay nagpapataas ng ilang mga inaasahan sa isang madla na nakaayon sa wika nito.  Samantalang ang mga order ay mahalagang istraktura sa sinaunang arkitektong Griyego, na hindi gaanong ginagamit ng arko hanggang sa huli na panahon, sa arkitektong Romano kung saan ang arko ay madalas na nangingibabaw, ang mga order ay naging lalong pandekorasyon elemento maliban sa mga porticos at katulad na paggamit.

2. ano ang corinthian in tagalog​


whats corinthian?

just asking



Yan po ang sagot. Sabi kasi kailangan habaan para maipost yung answer.

3. 1. Romans 8:39____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reflection: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Ephesians 2:8-9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reflection:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 2 Corinthians 5:17____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reflection __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________​


Ephesians 6:1

children obey your parents

that the lord for this is right.


Ephesians 5:16

Rideming the time because

the days are evil.


Philippians 4:4

Rejoice to the lord always

and again I say rejoice.



Yan lang po ang alam ko surry



#THANK YOU PO(◠‿・)—☆

1. Romans 8:39

"neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

REFLECTION: God is love, and what is stronger than love? Nothing! Love conquers all, so God conquers all. There is nothing in the universe that can take away the love of the Father from us. As His children, we must put our faith in Him and love Him as much as He loves us!


2. Ephesians 2:8-9

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast."

REFLECTION: A church friend taught me once that grace is something that God gives us, but it is also something we do not deserve. Just like how Jesus sacrificed his life to bear all our sins, I know the grace of God truly saves us. We should know that it is not our doing, we are merely humans; this gives us no right to take pride in things since really, it's not us behind any of it! It is all done by the Father, the most powerful and loving One of all.


3. 2 Corinthians 5:17

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

REFLECTION: As Christian, we all grew up knowing and hearing the story of Jesus' crucifixion, but what was the true significance of it? I realized that Christ allowed us to be born again and live our new lives through his death. Anyone who is in Christ means anyone who believes that they are saved by him. And for us, his followers, the new has come! We are given the chance to glorify God and praise Him by each rising sun.

ʚ ———————————————————— ɞ

God bless, may you live in faith! ต(=ω=)ต


4. Write a reflection about the words that came from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians. “Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8).”


i learned that love range's of strong and positive emotional and mental states

5. 1. Romans 8:39____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reflection: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Ephesians 2:8-9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reflection:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 2 Corinthians 5:17____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reflection __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________wag pong kalimutan ang reflection ​


For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord


6. Corinthians 8:21. How does this verae apply to cheating?


for we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man.


thanks you


It applies us that we should be honest and truthful with everyone around us, especially the Lord.


7. what was the message of saint paul to the corinthians in 2 corinthians 5:11-21​


maganda ang mga nilikha ng ating diyos

8. 2 Corinthians 9:15Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!#pananalig_sa_Diyos#moodchallenge​


9. what is the meaning of 2 Corinthians 5:8?

What is the meaning of 2 Corinthians 5:8?

This is a poignant, soul-baring moment from the apostle Paul. He is not suicidal, but he is honest about his deepest desires. He would rather be with the Lord than in his mortal, burdened, groaning, dying body. For the first time in this chapter, he describes being in his future, eternal body with Christ as being "at home." He is utterly convinced that it is where he is headed. Heaven is where he is meant to be forever. Paul's faith that the glory of his eternal life will far outweigh and outlast the suffering of earthly life makes him want that life more than this one. Of course it does. How could it not?

That same faith, though, gives him courage. Knowing his eternal fate is secure gives him fearlessness to keep going in this life. It emboldens Paul to stay on the path God has called him to. He is not actively seeking death; he is simply ready to go whenever God calls him home. Until then, he will keep working at what God has given him to do in the here and now.

10. reflection tungkol sa 1 corinthians 15:13 tagalog​

1 mga taga corinto 13:15

datapuwa't kung walang pagkabuhay na maguli ng mga patay,ay hindi rin nga muling binuhay si cristo.


we can't say that no one rises from the dead because jesus rises from the dead and that proves that there is resurrection.

11. explain about 1 corinthians 9:27​


Paul meant that he took great pains to conquer the fleshly inclinations of his body and make his body yield to the desires of his soul. He meant that he strived to gain victory over his sinful urges.

12. what was the message of saint paul to the corinthians in 2 corinthians 5:11-21​


In 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, Paul discusses a fundamental, overriding priority for every Christian: being an ambassador for Christ. An ambassador is one who represents another, one who acts as an emissary. For example, when President-elect Barack Obama settles into office, he will begin sending ambassadors to foreign nations. Those men and women will go with his commission: they will speak in his place and represent his beliefs. What they say will come with his stamp of approval.


2 Corinthians encourages believers to embrace and follow the way of Jesus that transforms lives and values generosity, humility, and weakness.

pa brainliest

13. What text in the Bible says, Do that which is honest?a. 2 Corinthians 13:7b. 1 Corinthians 13:7c. 2 Corinthians 7:13d. 1 Corinthians 7:13​




C becase it compare to all honest and base

14. Reflection about 1 Corinthians 2:9​


Explanation and Commentary of 1 Corinthians 2:9

But Christ confounded human wisdom, and not many were given eyes to see and understand. ... Beyond Jesus' salvation for us by way of the cross, God has plans for us that are almost too wonderful for words, and can only be experienced by trusting in him.


sana po makatolong pa braunliest po

15. reflection 2 corinthians 12:9-10​





16. 1. Romans 8:39____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reflection: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Ephesians 2:8-9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reflection:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. 2 Corinthians 5:17____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reflection __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________​


"Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Romans 8:39 (KJV)


1.neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

2.For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.

3.Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come The old has gone, the new is here!

17. What is 2 Corinthians 6:8thats my name in "Among us" pls answer it ​


2 Corinthians 6:8, NLT: "We serve God whether people honor us or despise us, whether they slander us or praise us. We are honest, but they call us impostors."

18. 1 Corinthians 2 12 meaning

We receive the spirit of God. Ignore the spirit of the World to avoid sin

19. Corinthians 13: 4-8 ​



Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.)




— 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

I hope it helps you ❤️

20. short reflection of the bible verses of ll corinthians 9:6, Ephesians 6:18 and James 4:8​


2corinthians 9:6---but I did not believe what they said until I came and saw with my own eyes.

Ephesians 6:18-----and pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and request.

james 4:8-----come near to god and he will come near to you..

Jesus is my heroand my everything

21. 1 corinthians 9:25 short meaning​


What does 1 Corinthians 9:25 mean?

Corinthian society was highly competitive. The city hosted an Olympics-style event every other year, with games highlighted by foot races. Paul is using these races as a metaphor for a life of service to Christ and others.

The point of participating in a race is to win, and winning takes work. Athletes who hope to be competitive must exercise great control over themselves "in all things." This would include not just physical training, but also strict diets, sleep schedules, abstaining from harmful drugs, and caution in their behavior. Through it all, they would keep their focus on winning the race and getting the prize: a wreath. At the games in Corinth, it was a pine wreath placed on the head of the winner like a crown. If Paul were writing this today, he might refer to the gold medal of the modern Olympics.

Paul's point is that such a wreath will soon die. The honor of winning the race is short-lived. Christians, though, exercise self-control and self-denial in order to win a crown that will never die. Believers should seek this with all the dedication of an athlete who knows only one person can win the crown. Christians don't literally compete "against" one another, of course, so the emphasis here is on commitment and effort, not rivalry.

This undying crown or reward is not eternal life. Paul's teaching is clear: No amount of self-denial or effort will earn for us God's approval and a place in His family. Jesus earned that for us, and it is given as a gift to those who believe (Ephesians 2:8–9). Instead, Paul is describing a reward for service to Christ that will be given in addition to salvation. In Paul's case, that recognition from Christ will be because of those he "won" to faith in Jesus (1 Thessalonians 2:9–20).


Sana makatulong po. ;-)

22. explain in your own word 1 corinthians 13:4-9​


Love on another


Base on what our Bishop tells us

23. What does 2 Corinthians 4:8 means?​

2 Corinthians 4:8 explains that the priceless treasure of knowing God's glory through faith in Christ is kept in the fragile containers of human beings. In this case, this refers to Paul and his co-workers who preach the gospel. Their suffering is enormous, but God keeps them from being wiped out. They don't quit because even after they die, they know they will be resurrected, as Christ was. Then they will spend eternity with Him in a glory that will far outweigh and outlast the comparatively lightweight and momentary suffering of this life.

24. what is 2 corinthians 8:7 memory verse?​


2 Corinthians 8:7 Therefore, as ye abound in every thing, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also.

25. Explain “1 Corinthians 13:4-8”

Answer:The Bible teaches that faith, hope, and love come together in a triune and eternal formation of heavenly gifts, "but the greatest of these is love." Spiritual gifts are appropriate for a time and a season, but love lasts forever


26. example of Corinthians 13:2​


1 Corinthians 13:2, KJV: "And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing".

i hope it can help :)

27. Is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 is quote realistic or idealistic? Explain. ​

nasan po ung pic



28. 2 Corinthians 5:8 meaning


Meaning. God is perfect and without sin; he hates sin and cannot be in relationship with anyone or anything that is sinful. This is where Jesus comes in.

29. 1 corinthians 13:4-8​


1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NIV)

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.)

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NIV) Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

30. 2 Corinthians 12:9 reflection​


The flame is the soul's breath, The black smoke is the soul's release, Ashes thou wert and art, May thy soul, Return to great flame of fire, Látom.

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