Resilient In Filipino Translation

Resilient In Filipino Translation

Resiliency of the filipino people

Daftar Isi

1. Resiliency of the filipino people

Filipino is relisilient since time immemorial,we are tested by countless calamities,volcanic eruptions,devastating earthquake and lahar flows,super typhoons,flash floods and landslides.Victoriously,we surmounted these ordeals and pains,beyond the imagination of the human race.Instant death of our loved ones,claimed by transportation mishaps and natural disasters.

2. Statement Filipino Resiliency​


It is a given that the Philippines is a country most prone to natural hazards and the existential risks of climate change, having an average of 20 typhoons pass through it every year, and considering our tectonic location within the Pacific Ring of Fire.


3. Paragraph of resiliency of Filipinos


In truth, “Filipino resilience” is a result of necessity. The uncertainty of the future forces the underprivileged to make do with what they have. They stop grieving, picking themselves up to restart a life they have lived many times over.Now if you're unfamiliar, the term “Filipino Resiliency” means that Filipinos, especially the victims of these natural disasters, can overcome any hardship and are idolized for doing so.

4. support word of Filipinos are resilient​


yeah of course all the people in the world can support languages in any country


hope it was helpful

5. I believe that Filipinos are resilient people


The narrative of Filipino resilience is derived from overcoming experiences of suffering and trauma due to disasters. Understanding the context also means taking stock of our experience with how the government has handled disasters

6. reflection of filipino resiliency 40pts

The word “resilience” has been thrown around to describe how the Filipinos are able to pick themselves up in the face of disaster. Calamities abound in the country, with the ongoing pandemic, natural disasters, and extreme inequality to name just a few, as the incapacitated suffer at the hands of an overwhelmed government.

[tex]\tiny \large \color{aqua}hopeithelp[/tex]

[tex]\tiny \large \color{aqua}carryonlearning[/tex]

The word “resilience” has been thrown around to describe how the Filipinos are able to pick themselves up in the face of disaster. Calamities abound in the country, with the ongoing pandemic, natural disasters, and extreme inequality to name just a few, as the incapacitated suffer at the hands of an overwhelmed government.

[tex]\tiny \large \color{aqua}carryonlearning[/tex]

7. the Filipinos are the most resilient people of the world​

[tex] \sf \: Answer[/tex]

That's not true

Because the most resilient is Bangladesh

The char people of Bangladesh may be the most resilient people in the world because they have happily lived, for generations, in one of the most unforgiving and varied environments in the world. They thrive in those tough conditions because they know the secrets to resiliency – and now you do too.

The Answer is False



What are the most resilient people in the world?

The char people of Bangladesh may be the most resilient people in the world because they have happily lived, for generations, in one of the most unforgiving and varied environments in the world. They thrive in those tough conditions because they know the secrets to resiliency – and now you do too.

Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque issued the statement after Bloomberg's Covid-19 Resilience Ranking report showed that the Philippines has ranked last out of the 53 countries in the study that measures their resilience amid the pandemic. The Philippines, according to the report, obtained a score of 40.2.


hope it help




8. you think Filipinos are resilient​


yes, many people have praised Filipinos for their resilience in the face of adversity. Filipinos have endured numerous challenges throughout history, such as natural disasters, poverty, and political instability, yet they continue to show remarkable resilience and perseverance. Despite these challenges, Filipinos have a strong sense of community and a willingness to help each other. This resilience has been recognized internationally, and many people continue to be inspired by the strength and determination of the Filipino people.

9. what makes Filipinos resilient? ​


Filipinos are very resilient. In times of calamity and disaster, Filipinos have always managed to rise above the challenge. They manage to pick up and smile instead of wallowing.


hope it helps, godbless everyone :)

10. why are Filipinos resilient with regards to different calamities​


It is a given that the Philippines is a country most prone to natural hazards and the existential risks of climate change, having an average of 20 typhoons pass through it every year, and considering our tectonic location within the Pacific Ring of Fire


We Filipinos are resilient since we experience it very frequently and many Filipinos are optimistic and grateful to survive the calamities.

11. Do any of the following: a. Create a tag cloud about the resilience of the Filipinos. Show how Amidst the pandemic Filipinos are showing positivity. b. Do Mobile text Tula about Filipino resiliency?​


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon the world with challenges.The Philippines is one of those countries who have taken strict measures by implementing the Enhanced Community Quarantine on 15 March 2020.

12. Tula about Filipinos resiliency?​


oo dahil sa wika ng pilipino

13. compare molave tree to filipino resiliency​


Filipino characteristics are compared to a sturdy Molave tree that is grown in most parts of the Philippines.


people to grow and be like the molave, strong and resilient, rising in the hillside, unafraid of the raging flood, the lightning or the storm, confident of its own strength. If we have the will to survive and the will to achieve social efficiency, we cannot deny this task of spiritual revival. Let us begin now to mold the typical Filipino.

We are Oriental. Orientals are known for their placidity and passivity. In the world of humanity we are looked upon as a quiet and smooth lake from which th adventurous and enterprising may reap enjoyment and gain. I refuse to allow the Filipinos to be so regarded.

14. poetry about filipinos resiliency​



Since time immemorial, we are tested by countless calamities

15. why did you think filipinos are resilient​


Before I answer that question, here's a story of my dad.

When he was a kid, he lived a carefree life that he would take the chance to play outside while his father kept telling him to study, study, and study. Being the son of a soldier that participated in WW II, my dad enjoyed the privilege he had because Filipino soldiers were respected at that time. However, despite the joy he had, there was a time when my dad's father was jumped by a group of people that resulted in my dad seeing my grandfather holding the guts that was about to fall out of his body when he came home. Not something that a child should see right? But, this resulted in my dad coming to reality, that the things he faced was not all sunshine and rainbows.

So, why are Filipinos resilient? Because they smile? Yes, they do when times are tough. But what's important is that we take life seriously and that we value of what's important to us in our life. Though we may at times have fun, we never forget the hardship that one has to go through in life. Which is why people see Filipinos as hard-working people like my dad who's boss always see him in a good light.


hope it helps:>


16. Filipino teens are resilient (write a persuasive paragrph)​


blah blah blah teens are so resilient but most of it are filipino teens nice


17. if the filipino resiliency something celebratory or is it something lamentable?


My answer here is divided. The positive effect of Filipinos being resilient is that we are not prone to depression and is very loose in pressuring ourselves and therefore our Filipino community is usually lighter and stress frèe. Think of it like how Filipinos are still able to smile after calamities, or how employees with really strict and rude bosses are still able to joke around during work by imitating their boss' frown. This shows how Filipinos are very easy going and adaptable even with extreme or stressful affairs. However, this could also be a serious problem in the most disturbing way like for example, instead of doing something, we settle for less like, we can have better lives but we emd up not having a better one because one would say "It's okay atleast I'm alive." or "I didn't have the nicest marks but atleast I passed!". Sometimes resiliency becomes an excuse for incompetency of people being lazy and not trying hard enough to achieve excellence. I think this is a serious problem we need to address, as we don't strive for excellence anymore. I mean, resiliency is different from being modest. Being modest is actually wanting something, but being okay with something even when you want more, hinders us from achieving more when we can do so much better.

18. how could we say that filipinos are resilient?​


In truth, “Filipino resilience” is a result of necessity. The uncertainty of the future forces the underprivileged to make do with what they have. They stop grieving, picking themselves up to restart a life they have lived many times over.



[tex]\huge \bold\red {QUESTION:}[/tex]

How could we say that filipinos are resilient?

[tex]\huge \bold\red {ANSWER:}[/tex]

Filipinos have learned to appreciate what they have, make the most of it, and tolerate difficulties. Resilience is a deeply rooted characteristic that makes up the Filipino identity, and creates a sense of community and compassion. Now if you're unfamiliar, the term “Filipino Resiliency” means that Filipinos, especially the victims of these natural disasters, can overcome any hardship and are idolized for doing so.

Brainliest this if helps you!


19. filipino resiliency amidst the pandemic​


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon the world with challenges. Almost all countries had to shut down their economies to halt the spread of the virus and the Philippines is one of those countries who have taken strict measures by implementing the Enhanced Community Quarantine on 15 March 2020.

The lockdown did help in controlling the spread of the virus and apparently, the Philippines is already flattening the curve. The number of cases reported in the country is no longer growing at an exponential rate, however, flattening the curve does not necessarily mean that the Philippines is winning its battle against the pandemic. There are other measures to consider to ultimately say that a country is winning the battle.

20. assertion sentence about filipinos are resilient​


15 Filipino Traits that Make the Philippines Fun to Visit

Hospitality. image source: ...

Optimism. image source: ...

Resourcefulness. image source: ...

Respect for elders. image source: ...

Strong family ties. image source: ...

Collective pride. ...

Strong work ethic. ...



21. Resilience is one of the values Filipinos are known for. How could we embody resilience despite oppression? ​


Week 5: Day 4 - Date: February 11, 2021

Direction: Solve the problem.

Dina's allowance is P25,00 per day, If she buy P15.50 for the bread and save the rest everyday.

How much is her savings for 5 days?

Understand What is asked?

What are given?


What operation will be used?

What is the number sentence?

Solve the equation.


22. filipino resiliency reflection 30pts


Filipino is relisilient since time immemorial, we are tested by countless, calamities, volcanic eruptions, devastating earthquake and lahat flows, super typhoons, flash floods and landslides. Victoriously, we surmounted these ordeals and pains, beyond the imagination of the human race. Instant death of our loved ones, claimed by transportation mishaps and natural disasters.

23. speech about resiliency of filipino during this crisis​


Right after COVID-19 hit their town, people in Jagobiao started coming together with local officials to support each other and limit the spread of the virus.


24. Filipino/Personal Resilience SLOGAN



Is About How You


Not How You Endure.

25. The Filipinos are the most resilient people in the world. Opinion:?​


That Statement is False or a Opinion.

The correct answer is:

The Char People of Bangladesh are the most resilient people in the world.


Sana Makatulong..

Paki Brainliest po..


26. Are Filipino Teens Resilient?and why? :^​

Answer:'s because i'm just guessing




Education has, in itself, the ultimate value of developing individuals, but it also serves

as one of the key engines for socioeconomic development and poverty alleviation,

serving as a cumulative process throughout the lifecycles even up to the next generation

and thus contributing to sustainable development (Heckman 2013; Sachs 2015).

International development and aid communities have promoted the delivery of

“education for all” in developing countries (e.g., Education for All [EFA] in 1990, Dakar

Action Framework in 2000, Millennium Development Goals [MDGs] in 2000, and these

philosophies are taken over by the post-MDG Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs]

from 2015).

The Philippines, which is the country discussed in this study, has achieved

almost universal primary education since the 1990s with an enrolment ratio of at least

90 percent. Despite such improvements in access to education, the gender gaps in

education have persisted though this might not be easily accepted when considering the

country’s high level of gender equality in international discourse, which always

describes Filipino women as having greater participation and empowerment in society

than their counterparts in major parts of the developing world. Generally, in many

countries, both education and labor markets favor males (King and Hill 1998). In this

sense, the reverse is true for education in education in the Philippines.

1 King and Hill

(1998: p. 251) explained that “the Philippines has made strong advances in educating

girls and women […]. Even before World War II, and especially afterward, the country

implemented a massive expansion of its education system.”

27. the resiliency of a filipino by william g bacani message


kada load ko kinakain nyo


speech choir


28. is the resiliency of the filipinos beneficiall?

Resilience is what helps a person persevere his or her difficulties in life. Yes, it is beneficial.

Though it may be viewed as an optimistic characteristic of the Filipinos, in must never be romanticized in any way possible.

29. 3 supporting details of filipino are resilients


Di ko po gets


Pake screenshot nalang po ng question

Stay safe



30. Topic sentence: Filipinos are naturally resilient people. •Even in hardships, Filipinos can still manage to smile and crack jokes. •Some people argue that resilience may have helped most Filipinos survive, but not all. •Their resilient spirit makes it easier for them to bounce back to normal after a calamity. Filipinos are naturally resilient people.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Filipinos are naturally resilient people. Their resilient

spirit makes it easier for them to bounce back to normal after

a calamity. Even in hardships, Filipinos can still manage to

smile and crack jokes. Yet, some people argue that

resilience may have helped most Filipinos survive,but not all.

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