Prayer For Thesis Defense

Prayer For Thesis Defense

how to defense in thesis?

Daftar Isi

1. how to defense in thesis?

Just present the data you gathered.

2. How to defense title in thesis

Pag aralan mong mabuti. Stay calm and be confident

3. Is it allowed to wear turtleneck in thesis defense?


If it is comfortable with you

4. A prayer asking the saints to pray for us. A. Intercessory Prayer B. Contemplative Prayer C. Centering Prayer D. Lord's Prayer ​


Intercessory prayer



5. which chapters are presented in thesis defense?


In thesis defense, you are required to briefly present your Chapters 1 - 3. It is also known as Title Defense. Here, you and your teammates will understand whether your thesis will continue or not.

Chapter 1 - The Introduction

Chapter 2 - Related Literature and Studies

Chapter 3 - Methodology

Sometimes, it is not necessary to explain or include Chapter 2 in your presentation. However, make sure that you will be able to introduce to the panel some of the studies and researches similar (i.e. related studies) to your thesis to give further support.

Another presentation will be conducted after you finish your thesis - the Final Defense. Here, you will briefly present the outcome of your study along with the your thesis paper (from Chapters 1-5).

Happy learning!


6. A prayer repeating the words or phrases. A. Vocal Prayer B. Centering Prayer C. Mental Prayer D. Spontaneous Prayer ​

A.Vocal Prayer I'm not sure

7. activity 6.2: defense defense !pahelp​


Definition. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel. Geogebra Activity 6.2. Instruction: State the 5 properties of a parallelogram.

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps to your question

8. sa may experience na po sa defense, iba po ba ang ilalagay sa "thesis title defense" and sa presentation? or ang ilalagay niyo po sa presentation is 'yong "thesis title defense po? ​


parang hindi po yan iba po parang yan po ang ilalagay 'thesis title defense diba po kasi po diba yon po ang sabi po


im not so sure but hope it helps


yan HAHA ml ka nakang lods saya don

9. Practical Research Thesis Defense: Survey questions about School Enrollment Student?​


What is your current grade level?Have you previously attended this school?What type of school are you currently enrolled in (public, private, charter, home school, etc.)?How did you choose the school you are currently enrolled in?Are you enrolled in any extracurricular activities at your school?Are you planning to attend college after graduating high school?If yes, have you already applied to colleges or universities?If no, what are your plans after graduating high school?Have you ever changed schools during your academic career?If yes, what were the reasons for changing schools?


Yan po ay mga common question sa survery sa school


What is your current level of education?

Are you currently enrolled in a school or educational institution?

If yes, what is the name of the school or educational institution?

What is your current academic program or major?

What is your current academic standing (e.g. freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduate student)?

What is your mode of enrollment (e.g. full-time, part-time, online)?

How did you hear about the school or educational institution you are currently enrolled in?

What factors influenced your decision to enroll in this school or educational institution?

What challenges have you encountered in your enrollment process?

How satisfied are you with your current school or educational institution?

Are you planning to continue your education beyond your current program or degree?

If yes, what are your plans for continuing education?

What resources have you utilized or would like to utilize to support your education (e.g. financial aid, career services, academic advising)?

What improvements or changes would you like to see in your current school or educational institution?

Do you feel that your education is adequately preparing you for your desired career or field? Why or why not?

10. how to pass the thesis defense any motivation?

Answer:Nobody knows more about your thesis than you.


Remember that your panel has to review other theses, so everything they know about your thesis is based on your thesis. Most of the questions will come from your research questions: were they resolved? Why did you do them the way you did instead of another way? Is there a better way to have done them?

11. Closing remarks speech for thesis defense ​


Sana makatulong po pa Brailnliest po plsssssssss

12. iba ba ang paggawa ng 'title proposal' tyaka sa 'thesis title defense paper'?​


hope it help sana nga hope it help


oo ito yung sagot


sino bias mo?

13. Young motherhood: How does it impact a child’s wellbeing?For research thesis Defense introduction,Statement of problem,Conclusion ​



Young motherhood is a prevalent issue in many societies, particularly in developing countries. It refers to the condition where women become mothers before they reach the age of 20. While motherhood is generally considered a positive experience, it can have significant implications for the wellbeing of both the mother and the child, particularly when it occurs at a young age. This research aims to investigate the impact of young motherhood on a child's wellbeing.

Statement of Problem:

The issue of young motherhood has been the subject of debate and concern for many years. While some argue that it can have negative impacts on a child's wellbeing, others suggest that it may not have any significant impact. This research seeks to fill the gap in the literature by exploring the impact of young motherhood on a child's wellbeing. Specifically, it aims to answer the following research questions:

1. How does young motherhood affect a child's physical health?

2. How does young motherhood affect a child's cognitive development?

3. How does young motherhood affect a child's emotional wellbeing?


In conclusion, the research findings suggest that young motherhood can have significant implications for a child's wellbeing. The results indicate that children born to young mothers are at higher risk of experiencing adverse outcomes such as poor physical health, delayed cognitive development, and emotional problems. Therefore, it is essential to address the issue of young motherhood and provide support to young mothers to ensure that both they and their children can lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Further research is necessary to explore the factors that contribute to young motherhood and develop strategies to prevent it.

Piece of Advice: Learn and Read the research first so you can explain it and don't have trouble pronouncing or reading the word.

#CarryOnLearning Mark my answer Brainliest <3


young motherhood can't provide what's his/her baby needs, because she doesn't have stable income to support child's needs, just like milk, diapers, medicine, etc.

the problem is, it has a big impact on a child wellbeing and on the mother also. because the mother will cannot focus on her study while taking care of her child.

for the conclusion, the mother needs help from the government (dswd) and her family to support her to raise his child.

14. 1. The following are panel discussion situations EXCEPT.a. Thesis defenseb. Senators' meeting with the presidentc. Newscaster giving a live report on Covid19 casesd. Medical experts discuss a possible vaccine for the Covidig​


d. Medical experts discuss a possible vaccine for the Covidig

15. The importance of books in the lives of children in rural areasThesis defense And research with Introduction,Conclusion,statement of the problem​



In this study, we aim to explore the importance of books in the lives of children in rural areas. Reading is an essential part of a child's development and growth, and it is especially important for those living in remote and underprivileged communities. However, access to books and reading materials can be limited in rural areas, which can have a negative impact on a child's education and future prospects. Our research aims to shed light on this issue and provide insights into how we can promote reading among children in rural areas.

•Statement of the Problem:

The lack of access to books and reading materials is a major problem for children living in rural areas. This can result in poor literacy skills, limited educational opportunities, and a lack of exposure to new ideas and perspectives. Our research aims to address the following questions:

What is the current state of access to books and reading materials in rural areas, and what are the main challenges faced by children in these communities?What are the benefits of reading for children, and how does it impact their overall development and academic performance?What are the effective strategies that can be implemented to promote reading among children in rural areas, and what are the potential barriers to implementing these strategies?

•Thesis Defense:

Our research findings suggest that access to books and reading materials is crucial for the development and growth of children in rural areas. The lack of access to books can limit a child's educational opportunities and hinder their academic performance. We found that reading can have a positive impact on a child's cognitive and emotional development, improving their language skills, creativity, empathy, and critical thinking abilities.

Our study also identified several challenges faced by children in rural areas, including limited access to libraries and bookstores, lack of transportation, and financial constraints. However, we also found that there are effective strategies that can be implemented to promote reading among children in rural areas, such as mobile libraries, community reading programs, and partnerships with schools and local organizations.

In conclusion, our research highlights the importance of promoting reading among children in rural areas and the need for greater investment in providing access to books and reading materials. By doing so, we can empower these children with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in school and beyond, and contribute to the overall development of their communities.



16. For Stem GraduateMay thesis defense ba SA stem ?​


parang po


napakinggan ko lang po sa iba but I'm not sure

make me brainliest plsss

17. which type of speech is the most appropriate for thesis defense a. Reading from a Manuscript b. Memorized Speech c. Impromptu Speech


For me letter B


because u dont need any notes to read because u already memorized it.

18. Give me 5 questions that are usually being asked in a thesis defense.


Here are five questions that are commonly asked in a thesis defense:

1. What is the significance of your research?

2. How does your research contribute to the field?

3. What were the limitations of your study?

4. How did you choose your methodology?

5. What are the implications of your findings?

19. The Perspective of Senior High School Students about Gender Inequalitythesis Defense introduction Statement of the problem conclusion ​



Gender inequality remains a critical issue in many societies, including the Philippines. Despite various efforts to address this problem, it still persists and affects the daily lives of many individuals. This study aims to explore the perspectives of senior high school students about gender inequality in the Philippines.

Statement of the problem:

This study aims to answer the following research questions:

What are the senior high school students' perceptions about gender inequality in the Philippines?What are the factors that contribute to gender inequality in the Philippines?How do senior high school students think gender inequality affects their lives, and what are their proposed solutions to address this issue?


In conclusion, this study has shed light on the perspectives of senior high school students about gender inequality in the Philippines. The findings reveal that many students have observed and experienced gender inequality in various aspects of their lives, including education, employment, and social interactions. They identified several factors that contribute to this problem, such as cultural norms, traditional gender roles, and discrimination. However, the students also proposed several solutions to address gender inequality, such as education and awareness-raising campaigns, stricter enforcement of laws and policies, and the promotion of gender equality in all aspects of society. Overall, this study highlights the need for ongoing efforts to address gender inequality in the Philippines, and the importance of empowering the youth to become advocates for gender equality




Good day everyone. Today, I will be presenting my thesis on "The Perspective of Senior High School Students about Gender Inequality". Gender inequality is a pressing issue that has been around for centuries. Despite the significant progress made in the field of gender equality, it is still an issue that affects many people globally. This thesis aims to explore the perspective of senior high school students on gender inequality.


The main problem that this thesis seeks to address is the issue of gender inequality. Specifically, it aims to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the perspective of senior high school students regarding gender inequality?

2.:What are the factors that influence senior high school students' perspective on gender inequality?

3. How can senior high school students contribute to promoting gender equality in their community?


To answer these research questions, I conducted a survey among senior high school students in a local school. The survey consisted of open-ended and closed-ended questions that were designed to gather qualitative and quantitative data.


The results of the survey show that senior high school students have a good understanding of gender inequality. They recognize that gender inequality exists in various forms, including economic, social, and political inequality. Moreover, the survey results revealed that students' perspectives on gender inequality are influenced by several factors, including cultural beliefs, media influence, and education.


In conclusion, this thesis has shown that senior high school students have a good understanding of gender inequality and recognize the importance of promoting gender equality. It is essential to continue educating and empowering students to promote gender equality in their community. By raising awareness about gender inequality, and providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills, we can create a more equal society where everyone is treated with respect and dignity regardless of their gender. Thank you.

#CarryOnLearningMark my answer Brainliest <3

20. In preparing for a debate or a thesis defense, what do you need to take note of?


1. Anticipate questions and prepare for them

We've mentioned it before but you can really prepare for most of the questions you will be asked. Read through your thesis and while you're reading it, create a list of possible questions. In addition, as you will know who will be on the committee, look at the academic expertise of the committee members. In what areas would they most likely be focused? If possible, sit at other thesis defenses with these committee members to get a feeling for how they ask and what they ask. As a graduate student, you should generally be adept at anticipating test questions, so use this advantage to gather as much information as possible before your thesis defense meeting.

2. Dress for success

Your thesis defense is a formal event, often the entire department or university is invited to participate. It signals a critical rite of passage for graduate students and faculty who have supported them throughout a long and challenging process. While most universities don't have specific rules on how to dress for that event, do regard it with dignity and respect. This one might be a no-brainer, but know that you should dress as if you were on a job interview or delivering a paper at a conference.

3. Delegate

It might help you deal with your stress before your thesis defense to entrust someone with the smaller but important responsibilities of your thesis defense well ahead of schedule. This trusted person could be responsible for preparing the room of the day of defense, setting up equipment for the presentation or preparing and distributing handouts.

4. Have a backup plan

Technology is unpredictable. Life is too. There are no guarantees that your Powerpoint presentation will work at all or look the way it is supposed to do on the big screen. We've all been there. Make sure to have a plan B for these situations. Handouts can help when technology fails, or an additional fresh shirt for spilled coffee can save the day.

5. What to do when you don't know the answer

One of the scariest aspects of the defense is the possibility of being asked a question you can't answer. While you can prepare for some questions, you can never know exactly what the committee will ask. There will always be gaps in your knowledge. But your thesis defense is not about being perfect and knowing everything, it's about how you deal with challenging situations. You are not expected to know everything.

James Hayton writes on his blog that examiners will sometimes even ask questions they don't know the answer to, out of curiosity, or because they want to see how you think. While it is ok sometimes to just say "I don't know", he advises to try something like "I don't know, but I would think [...] because of x and y, but you would need to do [...] in order to find out". This shows that you have the ability to think as an academic.

6. Dealing with your nerves

You will be nervous. But the good news is - your examiners will expect you to be nervous. It is completely normal to be nervous. Being well prepared can help minimize your stress, but do know that your examiners have seen this many times before and are willing to help, by repeating questions for example if needed.


21. can you pls give me a title of thesis defense about the improvement in our country in the middle of this pandemic?thank you​


pwedeng mang ligaw Kasi my crush ako sayo

22. Thesis defense presentation sample script


pakicheck nalang nito sana makahelp

23. a prayer in prayerb.prayerc.personal prayerd.novena prayer​


B. prayer


prayer is god po

24. How to start a thesis defense presentation script?


Use an appropriate language register (avoid informal language), but be approachable and natural. "Welcome to the thesis defense on [the title of your thesis]". Next, introduce yourself with your name and give a short description of your background and occupation. Don't forget to say “thank you for attending!”

25. Ano ang dapat gawin bago mag oral defense sa thesis?​

Take deep breaths, review your part of the presentation. Try to rehearse your part and try not to look mostly at the slideshow while presenting. Always speak with confidence.

26. What is the prayer for justification in the Lord's Prayer? What is the prayer for sanctification found in the Lord's Prayer?

Justification is the singular act of Sovereign God. He declares a person to be right in His eyes, by an act of His will, but He responds to a humble heart not eloquent speech.

27. 7. For how long should a thesis writer can be permitted by CHED If he/she failed to completely finish the requirements of a thesis after the final defense?


maybe a week or two so she will have more time to think

28. Give me 5 possible questions in a defense for thesis entitled “USING DIGITAL STORYTELLING TO ENHANCE BASIC ENGLISH LITERACY?”


1. How does digital storytelling compare to traditional methods of teaching literacy, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using digital storytelling?

2. What strategies did you employ to ensure that your digital storytelling activities were inclusive and accessible to learners of varying literacy levels and cultural backgrounds?

3. What evidence did you gather to demonstrate that using digital storytelling was effective in enhancing basic English literacy skills among the learners in your study, and how did you measure this effectiveness?

4. In what ways did you integrate digital storytelling into your existing English language curriculum, and how did you design your activities to align with learning objectives and standards?

5. How might your findings on the use of digital storytelling to enhance basic English literacy be applied in other educational contexts or to other subjects beyond English language learning?


Pa Brainliest

29. what comes to your mind when you hear the statement "oral thesis defense?"​


The time you're going to prove and present your papers and studies infront of your professors( i don't Know if it's the right term).

30. This is my first thesis defense. What am I supposed to do?

Be well prepared for your presentation—academically, mentally and physically. Try to be well rested and focused before your oral defense.

don’t try to memorize all the studies cited in your thesis. But remember the important keywords.

Keep calm when your answering their questions.

First you need to read and memorize the keywords and repeat.You'll need to know that goodluck for your first thesis defense..

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