God s Dream For You

God s Dream For You

finad and understand the following stations Find to meaning and encircle the leter of the correct answer 11 Emas a good leader in the clans She believes that actions.clouder than that's why she always suod everything she does a You hear your actions sp Your words are softer than your action - it's easy to say things but difficult to set and follow through 12. My grandmother said but your best foot from every time you want to have a good future a Give your best every time b. Choose carefully what best foot are you going to step forward c. Observe your foot when you are walking 13. Miel in hardworking and has a strong faith in should do your best and God will do the s God. She believes that you a To become successful, you must do your part and trust God b. God will help you achieve your dream even if you do nothing c. Let God works for you 14. Ashley is the noislest in the class Her classmates termed her "An emply vessel makes much noise" because he ranked last in the class a An empty vessel is noisy b. People who know nothing are the most talkative c An incapable person can do a lot 15. Chelsea believed what you sow is what you reap depending how much effort you exert on certain things. a. You can get what you want all the time b. You plant more so, you can harvest more c. What you do is what you get. It depends on how good or bad your action is 16 lara is an Aota. She has no confidence to show her talent because of her physical appearance Her teacher, Jona reminds her that beauty is in the eye of the beholder so, she does not have to worry what others would say a. What is beautiful to someone is the same to others b. What is beautiful to someone maybe different to others c. You can see beauty in the eye of a person​

Daftar Isi

1. finad and understand the following stations Find to meaning and encircle the leter of the correct answer 11 Emas a good leader in the clans She believes that actions.clouder than that's why she always suod everything she does a You hear your actions sp Your words are softer than your action - it's easy to say things but difficult to set and follow through 12. My grandmother said but your best foot from every time you want to have a good future a Give your best every time b. Choose carefully what best foot are you going to step forward c. Observe your foot when you are walking 13. Miel in hardworking and has a strong faith in should do your best and God will do the s God. She believes that you a To become successful, you must do your part and trust God b. God will help you achieve your dream even if you do nothing c. Let God works for you 14. Ashley is the noislest in the class Her classmates termed her "An emply vessel makes much noise" because he ranked last in the class a An empty vessel is noisy b. People who know nothing are the most talkative c An incapable person can do a lot 15. Chelsea believed what you sow is what you reap depending how much effort you exert on certain things. a. You can get what you want all the time b. You plant more so, you can harvest more c. What you do is what you get. It depends on how good or bad your action is 16 lara is an Aota. She has no confidence to show her talent because of her physical appearance Her teacher, Jona reminds her that beauty is in the eye of the beholder so, she does not have to worry what others would say a. What is beautiful to someone is the same to others b. What is beautiful to someone maybe different to others c. You can see beauty in the eye of a person​


[tex]\rainbow{ \rule{50pt}{10000000pt}}[/tex]

2. 1. Who is the center of Christian Faith? Apostles Jesus Pope Self 2. How can you attain the fullness of truth and life? By living out the teaching of Jesus By getting the job that your parents wanted you to have By dreaming, believing, and being successful in the future By becoming wealthiest and most popular in the world 3. What does the passage “Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life mean? The truth can be found within us We must follow the person and example of Jesus We must follow our desire, just like what Jesus did. We can always make a choice that can make us happy. 4. What event in the Bible is associated with the work of God the Father? Redemption of the world Foundation of the Church Sanctification of all believers Creation of heaven and earth 5. Which is an example of proclaiming the gospel to everyone? Sharing gossip to classmates Praying the rosary at home Doing Bible study and sharing Posting rants or problem on social media 6. What is loyalty? Being friendly, generous and considerate Conforming to the will of the other person Persistence in doing something despite difficulty Showing faithfulness to commitment or obligation 7. Which is the best example of loyalty to God? Doing whatever you want Doing what is good and right Doing what is asked by your best friend All of the above 8. How did God show His loyalty to His people? By creating angles By giving punishment to people By giving what the people asked By entering into a covenant with His people 9. What does Catholic identity imply? Professing one’s faith Believing in the same doctrine Full communion with the Catholic Church All of the above 10. How is God presented as rescuer in the scripture? He provided a blessing to His people He established a covenant with David He remained faithful despite the unfaithfulness of His people He delivered the Israelites away from the oppressors through Moses 11. Which does not belong to the group? Faithful Forgetful Provider Rescuer 12. How can you show your love to your own father? Give him my full attention Follow his advice and order Lower my tone when disagreeing All of the above 13. Why is faith important? To gain salvation To have union with God To become our true selves All of the above 14. How can we develop a trusting faith? Doing good things Trusting ourselves Trusting others Worshipping God 15. How can faith be certain? It resides at the bottom of our hearts It is manifested in the actions of the Church It rests on God who reveals Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. It was passed on to us through the preaching if the Apostles of Jesus. FILL IN THE BLANKS: Write your answer on the space provided to complete the statement. USE CAPITAL LETTER/S TO ANSWER 16. In one God, there are three Persons. 17. The is God and the first Person of the Blessed Trinity. 18. The Father is all and also the Son and the Holy Spirit. 19. The three divine people are perfectly to one another, because all are one and the same God. 20. The Son is God and the person of the Blessed Trinity. 21. The Father all things and so does the Son and the Holy Spirit. 22. The is God and the third person of the Blessed Trinity. 23. The divine person are really distinct from one another. 24. The Father is and so are the Son and the holy spirit. 25. The three divine person, though really distinct from one another, are one and the same God because all have one and the same divine . 26. God was presented as Father who provides to His people. 27. God presented as . III.Enumerate the Blessed Trinity.(IN ORDER) USE CAPITAL LETTER/S TO ANSWER 28. GOD THE 29. GOD THE 30. GOD THE


isa isa lang po tanong


Si ko maintindihan










9.d po ata



sorry hanggang 10 lang hope it helps

3. 1. The doctor gave the medicine to the children. The children were sick. _________________________________________________________________________2. I often visit my grandparents. They lived on a farm. _________________________________________________________________________3. We finally found the house. The house was owned by my distant relative. _________________________________________________________________________4. Miguel Dakila is the author of an e-book. The book features classic pictures of Cebu City in the 1960’s. _________________________________________________________________________5. This is my friend Salome. Her house is a reminiscent of Spanish colonization. _________________________________________________________________________B. Supply a relative clause to the following sentences. The underlined noun or pronoun will be your clue which relative pronoun are you going to use to introduce your relative clause. Underline the relative clause ( adjective clause).Example: Happy is the man.Answer: Happy is the man who walks in the ways of God.1. Blessed is the person. __________________________________________________________________2. I’ve always dream of a house. __________________________________________________________________3. Be in the company of friends._____________________________________________________________________4. It is really you. _____________________________________________________________________5. Graduation is a time._____________________________________________________________________​



ano po ibig mo sabihin

4. pahelp poActivity 3: It's Adverb Harvest Time! Read the text below and pick all the adverbs you can see, and then put them in the column where they belong in the table provided below. TIMEPLACE MANNER Man and Faith Eneri S. Ogeinam Bowed by the weight of this global pandemic, our human character and resilience are again tested. Whether rich or poor, weak or strong, famous or not, no one is exempted by this COVID-19 virus. Since time immemorial, many have been crying loudly and eagerly for equality. Suddenly, this cry was answered differently. Yes, COVID-19 came not just to cause havoc on humanity and economy; but also on a lighter note, it came as a great global equalizer. This global pandemic opens doors towards various realizations and several universal truths as points of reflection. Indeed, everything in life is but just temporary. Our life, our wealth and all possessions we have, including our own skills and knowledge, they become limited, at times become meaningless and uncertain. Even the most powerful people and countries suddenly become powerless. Everything is unpredictable. We have no control of our time here on earth, for in this current situation, we all have nothing to behold. Our friends may come and go and our social connections and interactions gradually cease. Dreams, aspirations and all things we hold dearly, with a wink of an eye they slowly disappear like bubbles. Everything in this world swiftly becomes volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Indeed, we live in a VUCA world where all of us need to swim by. Nothing is certain and the only constant now is change. And the very question is, "Who do we run to? Can we fully and truly rely on the government, family and friends for help? As we battle this global pandemic, all we need is a positive mindset. More than ever, it is a time indeed of awakening, rekindling, and strengthening our FAITH. Faith to a supreme being, our God Almighty is primarily the source of our hope that keeps us going and enables us to conquer our fears and anxieties amid the gaps and huge changes in this "new normal". We all are caught off-guard, but with our faith, we continue to fight, to be proactive and to be positive at all times. We learn how to look at the brighter side of life and choose to be optimistic amid the negativity around. Hence, our faith spells the big difference in facing all forms of life's challenges. Therefore, let us hold onto our faith strongly and dearly for as long as we believe we will never tremble nor fear the unseen. Remember, God is greatest and strongest above all forms of viruses such as this COVID-19.​


Entries in official record

5. A topic sentence is the first sentence of the parag the reader what the rest of the paragraph is about. details such as explanations or examples that support the topic sentence. The supporting sentences are the middle sentences of the paragraph tha The concluding sentence is the ending sentence that summarizes the key po paragraph. II. EXERCISES Direction: Read the paragraph below. Make use of the #IdentifyingBurger gra organizer and supply the needed information from the paragraph. 'In life, we all struggle. 2Struggles are part of life that no one can escape. "Som appear unexpectedly, some gradually, some lasts longer. We may stumble, swe fter a long, arduous toil, we are reminded to learn from our imperfections and s etter version of ourselves. SLet's continue to live life and pray for God's working ur broken plans. As we ponder on this quote: "Remember your dreams and fig You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes our dre possible: the fear of failure." - Paulo Coelho Tople sentenca:​


A topic sentence is the first sentence of the parag the reader what the rest of the paragraph is about. details such as explanations or examples that support the topic sentence. The supporting sentences are the middle sentences of the paragraph tha The concluding sentence is the ending sentence that summarizes the key po paragraph. II. EXERCISES Direction: Read the paragraph below. Make use of the #IdentifyingBurger gra organizer and supply the needed information from the paragraph. 'In life, we all struggle. 2Struggles are part of life that no one can escape. "Som appear unexpectedly, some gradually, some lasts longer. We may stumble, swe fter a long, arduous toil, we are reminded to learn from our imperfections and s etter version of ourselves. SLet's continue to live life and pray for God's working ur broken plans. As we ponder on this quote: "Remember your dreams and fig You must know what you want from life. There is just one thing that makes our dre possible: the fear of failure." - Paulo Coelho Tople sentenca:


thats the answer thanks fir points

6. ULUI.d 15. Alin sa sumusunod angnagpapahayag ng katotohanan ukol sa mga kaisipang Asvano?Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the space provided.1. What is the main focus of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech?A. Convincing everyone to live in peace and tranquilityB. Getting more money for America's black populationC. Ending segregation and racial injustice in AmericaD. Pushing change in Americaa 2. Martin Luther King Jr. appeals mainly to his listeners'A. common sense B. desire for better future C. sense of guilt D. sense of pride3. In “I Have a Dream”, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., urges his followers toao A. demand equality and justice now B. work toward gradual changeC. use any means necessaryD. use violence to push change4. Which repeated phrase in Dr. King's speech has additional power because it is from a familiarpatriotic song? A. "I have a dream" B. “I say to you today"C. "Now is the time to" D. “One hundred years later"5. Which of the following is NOT a rhetorical device?A. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!B. And if America is to be a great nation this must become true!C. This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaningD. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low6. Which is an example of a metaphor?A. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by thecolor of their skin but by the content of their character.B. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. C.We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline.D. My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.7. Which is an example of parallelism?A. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to GeorgiaB. We can never be satisfied, as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in themotels of the highways and the hotels of the cities.C. We will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.D. When this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet,from every state and every city... Determine the author's purpose in the selection below. Choose the letter ofthe correct answer.8A whistleblower is a person who informs on a person or organization engaged in somewrongdoing. The whistleblower is almost always an employee or an insider of the organizationthat is committing the wrongdoing, and there are laws which are intended to protect thewhistleblower from experiencing retaliation for their revelations.A. To entertain B. To inform C. To orient D. To persuadea. Para sa mga Hanonee anne mon L.9.Jim's hand shook as he reached for the cup of coffee in front of him. "Just take your time," theman in the grey suit told him. Jim nodded, and raised the cup to his lips, sloshing coffee downhis chin and onto his shirt. "They're going to come after me," Jim told the men in front of him."There are laws to protect you," The man in the black suit said. "The laws don't matter. Theydon't care about laws. Haven't they already proven that? I won't be safe. No onemy family​










7. Label Me Correctly!Underline and label the adverbs in the given paragraph below. Write above yourunderlined word the letters AT for Adverb of Time, AM for Adverb of Manner, and AP forAdverb of Place.<[Plss can you.help me this] >Today, the world is caught off guard with the coming of the COVID-19, a globalpandemic. It has affected everything and everyone. It has taken lives and is continuouslyinfecting hundreds of thousands, if not millions, around the world. To date, scientistsand health experts are still working together to discover a vaccine as a means to cureand to stop the spread of the aforesaid virus. Currently, the best ways for people not tocontract the virus are to observe proper hygiene, frequent hand washing, and use ofmask and alcohol anytime, anywhere, and everywhere they go. Equally important, is tostrengthen one’s immune system by eating healthy and nutritious food, having enoughrest and sleep, as well as doing healthy exercises. Furthermore, staying at home andstrictly observing physical distancing are also some of the best measures in avoiding thecontraction of the virus.WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF TIME1.)____________WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF MANNER2.)___________WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF PLACE3.)___________========================It’s Adverb Harvest Time!Read the text below and pick all the adverbs you can see, and then put them inthe column where they belong in the table provided below.Man and FaithBy Eneri S. OgeinamBowed by the weight of this global pandemic, our human character and resilienceare again tested. Whether rich or poor, weak or strong, famous or not, no one isexempted by this COVID-19 virus. Since time immemorial, many have been crying7loudly and eagerly for equality. Suddenly, this cry was answered differently. Yes, COVID-19 came not just to cause havoc on humanity and economy; but also, on a lighter note,it came as a great global equalizer.This global pandemic opens doors towards various realizations and severaluniversal truths as points of reflection. Indeed, everything in life is but just temporary.Our life, our wealth, and all possessions we have, including our own skills andknowledge, they become limited, at times become meaningless and uncertain. Even themost powerful people and countries suddenly become powerless. Everything isunpredictable. We have no control of our time here on earth, for in this current situation,we all have nothing to behold. Our friends may come and go, and our social connectionsand interactions gradually cease. Dreams, aspirations, and all things we hold dearly,with a wink of an eye they slowly disappear like bubbles. Everything in this world swiftlybecomes volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Indeed, we live in a VUCA worldwhere all of us need to swim by. Nothing is certain and the only constant now is change.And the very question is, “Who do we run to? Can we fully and truly rely on thegovernment, family, and friends for help?As we battle this global pandemic, all we need is a positive mindset. More thanever, it is a time indeed of awakening, rekindling, and strengthening our FAITH. Faithto a supreme being, our God Almighty is primarily the source of our hope that keeps usgoing¢ and enables us to conquer our fears and anxieties amid the gaps and hugechanges in this “new normal”. We all are caught off-guard, but with our faith, wecontinue to fight, to be proactive and to be positive always. We learn how to look at thebrighter side of life and choose to be optimistic amid the negativity around. Hence, ourfaith spells the big difference in facing all forms of life’s challenges. Therefore, let us holdonto our faith strongly and dearly for as long as we believe we will never tremble norfear the unseen. Remember, God is greatest and strongest above all forms of virusessuch as this COVID-19.WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF TIME4.)______________WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF PLACE5.)______________WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF MANNER6.)______________


Today - AT

To date - AT

Currently - AT

Equally Important - AM

Frequent - AM

8. 1. which best describe the meaning of discernment a. an apostolic decision b. an explicit choice c. wild imagination d. fantasy 2. who coined the term discernment as election a. st. Ignatius b. st. Benedict c. st john d. st. Alphonso 3. when we are on the discernment what do we consider the most a. gods will b. parents will c. mothers plan d. NCAE result 4. which is not part of the process of discernment a. always complain in the process b. talk to someone you know c. pray to do gods will let god speak to you 5. which is a part in discernment process a. prayerfully commit b. follow your vices c. give up easily d. be a loner 6. in smart mnemonic the S stands for a. specific b. special c. standard d. strong 7. which is not included in making a life time goal a. romance b. career c. pleasure d. physical 8. which is not part of setting goal a. follow your dreams goal b. set priority c. bet precise d. write down goals 9. what is the next step after you have plot your life time goal a. set smaller goal b. end the process c. set unrealistic goal d. plan to survival 10. which is an example of a life time goal a. to be the leading businessman in the country b. i can finish my modules this Friday c. i can accomplish my performance task this afternoon d. i can save 200 php at the end of this week end plsss po need na po ngayon helppp po


1) C. Wild imagination

2) D, St. Alphonso

3) A. God's will

4) Always complain in the process

5) A. Prayerfully commit

6) A. Specific

7) D.Physical

8) C. Bet precise

9) D. Plan to survival

10) D. I can save 20p php at the end of this weekend



9. Classification,explanation,enumeration, or time order text type ___________1. "When we allow freedom to ring,when we let the ring from every village, every hamlet,from every state and every city,we will able to speed up that day when all of god s children ,black men, and white men,jews and gentiles,protestants and catholics,will be able to join hands and sing in the word of the old negro spiritual,free at the last! thank god almighty, we are free at last! ( I have a dream, Martin luther king Jr.) __________2 Ice cream is made of milk,cream and sugar.All of the ingredients are mixed together.then,mixed ingredients are heated up to kill the germs. flavors and color are added next,strawberry flavoured ice cream is usually pink. The mixture is then frozen and whipped at the same time,this makes it softer _________3preseving peaches is easy.First,check the jars for cracks or chips.Second, place the lids in boiling hot water to sterlize.While the lids boil, wash the jars and rings in hot,soapy water.Next, place the boiling hot peaches and syrup into the hot,sterlized jars.As soon as the yar is full within a half inch of head space, wipe the rim of the jar clean. immediately cap the jar with the hot lid. Next place the jar in a steamer .after steaming for 20 minutes remove the jar from the steam bath.once the jar has cooled, you can store it until needed. the peaches will stay fresh for several years.


Which of the following descriptions of mitosis is/are correct?

1. DNA synthesis occurs at the beginning of prophase.

2. The nuclear envelope breaks down in prophase and reforms in telophase.

3. The division of centromeres occurs in anaphase.

10. A. Combine the two sentences by changing the second sentence into a relative clause. Underline the relative clause.Example:The man called his wife. His wife was at the backyard.Answer. The man called his wife who was at the backyard.1. The doctor gave the medicine to the children. The children were sick. _________________________________________________________________________2. I often visit my grandparents. They lived on a farm. _____________________3. We finally found the house. The house was owned by my distant relative. _________________________________________________________________________4. Miguel Dakila is the author of an e-book. The book features classic pictures of Cebu City in the 1960’s. _________________________________________________________________________5. This is my friend Salome. Her house is a reminiscent of Spanish colonization. _________________________________________________________________________B. Supply a relative clause to the following sentences. The underlined noun or pronoun will be your clue which relative pronoun are you going to use to introduce your relative clause. Underline the relative clause ( adjective clause).Example: Happy is the man.Answer: Happy is the man who walks in the ways of God.1. Blessed is the person. __________________________________________________________________2. I’ve always dream of a house. __________________________________________________________________3. Be in the company of friends._____________________________________________________________________4. It is really you. _____________________________________________________________________5. Graduation is a time._________________________________​



1. The doctor gave the medicine to the children who were sick.

2. I often visit my grandparents who lived on a farm.

3. We finally found the house which was owned by my distant relative.

4. Miguel Dakila is the author of an e-book which features classic pictures of Cebu City in the 1960's.

5. This is my friend Salome whose house is a reminiscent of Spanish colonization.


B is a bit difficult for me sowii

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