Filipino Scientist With Description

Filipino Scientist With Description

name two filipino research or scientist and state a brief description of their greatest work and contribution​

Daftar Isi

1. name two filipino research or scientist and state a brief description of their greatest work and contribution​

Answer: •Alfredo SantosAlfredo Santos is a Filipino scientist who received the National Scientist Award in 1978. He was one of the founders of the National Academy of Science and Technology. •Angel AlcalaAngel Chua Alcala, ONS, (born March 1, 1929) is a Filipino biologist who was named a National Scientist of the Philippines in 2014. Alcala is known for his fieldwork to build sanctuaries and to promote biodiversity in the aquatic ecosystems of the Philippines.

2. Match the items in Column A with their definitions or descriptions in Column B. Write the letters on the lines before the numbers. 1. 2. 3. biology 4. physics 5. 7. 8. A 9. 10. science chemistry ALS LEVEL: 6. Fish are difficult to catch on a full moon. A falling star is a sign of good luck. Thomas Edison television Jose P. Rizal technology a. b. c. d. Date: Sep-21:2022 Score: C. B A systematized body of knowledge covering general truths A product of technology The study of living things The study of matter and energy and their interactions A Filipino hero and scientist f. A belief which has scientific basis g. Applied science h. Superstition i. The study of matter, its structure and properties j. Inventor of the incandescent light bulb​


i dont know about sorry.

3. 1.Viruses refer to infectious microscopic organisms that multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria. They replicate themselves by integrating into the cell. When this happens, the virus uses the cell’s chemical machinery to keep itself alive. Viruses are responsible for causing many diseases such as measles, chicken pox, common colds, SARS, and COVID-19. In conclusion, viruses are microorganisms that harm other living things. a. Narration b. Definition c. Exemplification d. Process e. Compare/Contrast f. Cause & Effect g. Classification h. Description 2.Some scientists claim that Corona Virus can be airborne. However, World Health Organization (WHO) clarifies that the virus can be transmitted through aerosolized respiratory droplets. It means that a person can primarily get the virus through droplets coming from the infected person who coughs, sneezes or talks. The person can get the virus if he or she is within 6 ft. perimeter, does not have face mask, and inhaled the droplets. Also, people can be infected by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. Therefore, the primary mode of transmission is through droplets. a. Narration b. Definition c. Exemplification d. Process e. Compare/Contrast f. Cause & Effect g. Classification h. Description 3. Because of COVID-19 pandemic, there are safety protocols that must be followed when entering some establishments. First you must wear face mask and face shield. Next, present your quarantine pass. Then, the personnel will check your temperature. If your body temperature is 37°C and below, you can enter the establishment. After that, you will fill out a form asking for your contact information. Once done, you can proceed with your transaction but you will be asked to observe social distancing. These measures must be followed to ensure your safety and to avoid getting the virus. a. Narration b. Definition c. Exemplification d. Process e. Compare/Contrast f. Cause & Effect g. Classification h. Description 4. As COVID-19 outbreak continues to grow, comparisons have been drawn between COVID-19 and SARS. These viruses have similarities and differences in terms of their symptoms and transmission. Both viruses have common symptoms like fever, cough, fatigue, and shortness of breath. However, other symptoms like fever and chest pain are commonly experienced in SARS while sore throat and runny nose are observed in COVID-19. In terms of transmission, both viruses can be spread through droplets when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or talks. However, COVID-19 has a wider scope of transmission than SARS because the droplets from a COVID-19 infected person can reach up to 6 feet while the droplets from a SARS infected person can only reach up to 3 feet. To sum up, even though COVID-19 and SARS have differences, both are still deadly to humanity. a. Narration b. Definition c. Exemplification d. Process e. Compare/Contrast f. Cause & Effect g. Classification h. Description 5. Despite the problems brought by the pandemic, it has undeniably cultivated certain Filipino values. Because of the situation, family ties have been strengthened. Filipinos have valued more the presence of the family members and enjoy the time together. Also, the crisis made their faith to God stronger. Further, they have better realized the importance of proper hygiene, good nutrition, and a clean environment. This led to a positive habit formation that protects themselves and their loved ones. Truly, when viewed in a positive lens, this pandemic can bring out the best of Filipinos. a. Narration b. Definition c. Exemplification d. Process e. Compare/Contrast f. Cause & Effect g. Classification h. Description (good answer plss)




4. 1.Kusina ni Lola is a youtube channel that shares Filipino recipes, in one of its episodes, it showed a step-by-step procedure on how to make a lumpia wrapper. a. Persuasive b. Procedural c. Cause and Effect d. Comparison and Contrast 2. “It is clear that fossil fuel deposits are getting lower and lower each day. Therefore, increasing numbers of people will continue to embrace solar energy as the best alternative to fossil fuels.” This is the concluding statement in the article Sun: The Earth’s Most Vital Source of Alternative Energy. a. Persuasive b. Procedural c. Cause and Effect d. Comparison and Contrast 3. Mrs. Baler is my teacher in Science. She is a funny teacher. We never get bored in her class. Mrs. Delos Reyes is my teacher in English and she is a serious type of person. Although they differ from one another, I love them both. a. Persuasive b. Procedural c. Cause and Effect d. Comparison and Contrast 4. Which type of text structure shows how two or more things are alike and different? a. Compare/Contrast b. Cause & Effect c. Problem & Solution d. Description 5. Which type of text structure answers the questions what happened and why? a. Compare/Contrast b. Cause & Effect c. Problem & Solution d. Description 6. What genre is informational text? a. Non- fiction b. Fiction c. Fantasy d. Story 7. The sun shone bright yellow in a cloudless blue sky. A faint haze rose from the glistening pavement, suggesting steam rising off a hot surface.? a. Compare/Contrast b. Cause & Effect c. Problem & Solution d. Description 8. This has been the worse summer in years for acorn production in north-eastern forests. While some may think this is not a big deal, in fact it is. If there are fewer acorns, it may result in a decrease in populations of squirrels and field mice. Since these animals are often hosts to insects, including ticks, the ticks will be on the move and more likely to bite humans. As a result, scientists expect to see an increase in the number of cases of Lyme Disease, an infection carried by ticks. a. Compare/Contrast b. Cause & Effect c. Problem & Solution d. Description 9.Every morning, I wake up at about 7:00 AM. The first thing I do is make my bed and pick out the clothes I’m going to wear. Then, I brush my teeth and take a shower. After my shower, I dry my hair and get dressed. a. Compare/Contrast b. Cause & Effect c. Problem & Solution d. Order and Sequence 10.Red Delicious apples are sweet, while Granny Smiths are tart and acidic. a. Compare/Contrast b. Cause & Effect c. Problem & Solution


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. D

8. C

9. D

10. A

Follow me

5. 3d. figure of speeche context cluesd inference12. What of the following is the last thing you need to list1 These are the words that appear a sentences to belp understand the meanides of dificult words.1 in suder to understand the meaning of the unknown word, one has to make a gas based on thedescription given in the sentence. What type of context clue is this?1 simular word is places in the same sentence to know the meaning of the unfamiliar word. What17. We should keep ourselves healthy by always washing our hands, eating nutritious foods, taking18. All medical practitioners, including the army and police forces, are our frontliners in this pandemic;The te of the bookThe date of publicationThe place of publication#propositionexplanation o exampletype of context clue is this?comparisonb synonyme antonym1620 Choose the meaning of the underlined words using context clues16. The affects of the COVID 19 pandemie can be seen worldwidearcunstancecpredicamentvitamins, exercising regularly, and drinking plenty of water.a Cleanb. safee strongdefinitiond explanationd situationd. safed. observerse, sadthus, they lead in fighting against the COVID-19 disease.a leadersb participantse, followers19. The students who put in the best effort will be included in the celebrationb. hard workc. completion d. talent20 the student replied to the teacher with a witty answer and the class laugheda funnyb. meand confuse21. "Among the siblings of thin body structure, Isabel is the only one who is portly." This sentence is anexample ofa morenceb. definitionc. antonymd. synonym22. "An oracle is said to heave the ability to foresee the future." What is the meaning of the underlineworda Divinerb. fortune teller c. priestd scientist23 "It is common for Filipinos to feel compassion or pity for the suffering of their fellowmen." Whattype of context clues used in the sentence?"a Definition b. explanation с. synonymd. antonym24 "Teachers are known for being loquacious. They love to talk about ideas." What is the meaning ofthe underline word?a communicative b. restrainedc. reservedd. silent25 "It was frigid night despite being in the summer season." Frigid meansa very coldb. very cozyc. very hotd. very warm​



19.B- hardwork



22.C -priest



25.A -cold

6. 1. It is where all fiction and non-fiction books are stored. These could be borrowed or drawn out for several days. 2. In this section, periodicals, magazines and newspaper containing interesting and valuable selections on varied subjects and current issues are stored in here. _3.It is where books and other reading materials about the Philippines, including all the award-winning pieces in literature written by Filipinos are stored. 4. The books stored in this section are those that should be read only inside the library. 5. In this section, encyclopedia,dictionaries, almanac, manuals, magazines, indexes, directories, handbooks and other personal inquiries are found in here. 6. It is the alphabetical list of books with description or information -7. It is the most important place in an educational institution. 8. It is an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables 9. It is a book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically. 10. It is a book of instructions, especially for operating a machine or learning a subject 11. It is a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject or area of interest. 12. It is a list of published articles within a discipline or topic. It provides bibliographic information such as author(s), title, name of journal where it was published, volume, issue, page numbers 13. These are lists of people or organizations which are usually arranged alphabetically, though some are arranged geographically or by subject. 14. It is a compilation of miscellaneous information in a compact and handy form. It contains data, procedures, principles etc. ... Scientists and technologists use this in their fields rather frequently 15. It is a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage​


Need badge sry


7. B. Read the selections and identity each structure. Identity whether DESCRIPTION, COMPAREand CONTRAST, PROBLEM and SOLUTION, SEQUENCE and CAUSE and EFFECT.11. The Sampaguita is known for its fragrance and the role it plays in the legends andtraditions of the Filipino people. This shrub was introduced into our country fromIndia. It is short-stemmed, and has glossy, hardy leaves six to twelve centimeterslong. The flowers are small, fragrant, pure white and glossy. They look like smallroses from a distance. This plant bears plenty of flowers in April, May, and June.12 Malunggay is horseradish. Did you know that poultice of malunggay leaves canbe used to decrease the swelling of sores and boils? A poultice is a soft compo-sition, such as with leaves, which can be applied over the swollen area of the skin.Malunggay is also used as a laxative. Laxative is a medicine taken to loosen thebowels.13. Climate is the overall state of weather in a place over a long period of time.Climate have changed over time in Earth's history. Climate change may be dueto changes in the amount of energy from the sun or the amount of dust in theatmosphere. In recent years, scientists have discovered that temperatures aregradually rising around the world. The trend is known as global warming. It isimportant to learn more about how climate changes because it affects theenvironment and way of life.14. The schools today and in the past are similar in a few ways and different in someaspects. Both have a learning room, a teacher, and books. However, the class-rooms in the past are considered concrete structures where learning should takeplace. On the other hand, the classrooms today utilize technology like LCDprojectors, laptops, and other gadgets. Another is that lessons in the past werefrom print materials while lessons of today are from e-books and other onlineplatforms. No matter how alike and different the schools in the past and today arewhat matters most is how effective learning takes place.15 Spiders are small animals. Although they look like insects, they are not. Insects havesix legs; spiders have eight. Insects have feelers and wings, spiders do not havethese. Insect bodies have three parts, spider have two.16. There is no other Filipino like Jose Protacio Rizal. He was the greatest Filipino of thenineteenth century and possibly of the past and future generations as well. Hewas a shining example of the height and glory to which a Filipino could possiblyrise. Rizal was born in Calamba, Laguna, on June 19.1861. He came from a verywell-known and respected family of traders and farm owners.​


11. Description

12. Description

13. Cause and Effect

14. Compare and Contrast

15. Compare and Contrast

16. Description


Description - used to describe by providing more details about somethingMalunggay, Sampaguita and Rizal were described in the texts by providing details about them.Cause and Effect - it presents the reason and the outcomeClimate change's effects and causes were enumerated in the text.Compare and Contrast - this is used to tell the similarities and differences of two things being compared.Schools today and in the past were compared through aspects such as room, teacher and books. Spiders were also compared to other animals by stating its body parts that were not present to the others and the characteristics of animals that a spider doesn't have.

8. 1.Viruses refer to infectious microscopic organisms that multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria. They replicate themselves by integrating into the cell. When this happens, the virus uses the cell’s chemical machinery to keep itself alive. Viruses are responsible for causing many diseases such as measles, chicken pox, common colds, SARS, and COVID-19. In conclusion, viruses are microorganisms that harm other living things.a. Narrationb. Definitionc. Exemplificationd. Processe. Compare/Contrastf. Cause & Effectg. Classificationh. Description2.Some scientists claim that Corona Virus can be airborne. However, World Health Organization (WHO) clarifies that the virus can be transmitted through aerosolized respiratory droplets. It means that a person can primarily get the virus through droplets coming from the infected person who coughs, sneezes or talks. The person can get the virus if he or she is within 6 ft. perimeter, does not have face mask, and inhaled the droplets. Also, people can be infected by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. Therefore, the primary mode of transmission is through droplets.a. Narrationb. Definitionc. Exemplificationd. Processe. Compare/Contrastf. Cause & Effectg. Classificationh. Description3. Because of COVID-19 pandemic, there are safety protocols that must be followed when entering some establishments. First you must wear face mask and face shield. Next, present your quarantine pass. Then, the personnel will check your temperature. If your body temperature is 37°C and below, you can enter the establishment. After that, you will fill out a form asking for your contact information. Once done, you can proceed with your transaction but you will be asked to observe social distancing. These measures must be followed to ensure your safety and to avoid getting the virus.a. Narrationb. Definitionc. Exemplificationd. Processe. Compare/Contrastf. Cause & Effectg. Classificationh. Description4. As COVID-19 outbreak continues to grow, comparisons have been drawn between COVID-19 and SARS. These viruses have similarities and differences in terms of their symptoms and transmission. Both viruses have common symptoms like fever, cough, fatigue, and shortness of breath. However, other symptoms like fever and chest pain are commonly experienced in SARS while sore throat and runny nose are observed in COVID-19. In terms of transmission, both viruses can be spread through droplets when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or talks. However, COVID-19 has a wider scope of transmission than SARS because the droplets from a COVID-19 infected person can reach up to 6 feet while the droplets from a SARS infected person can only reach up to 3 feet. To sum up, even though COVID-19 and SARS have differences, both are still deadly to humanity.a. Narrationb. Definitionc. Exemplificationd. Processe. Compare/Contrastf. Cause & Effectg. Classificationh. Description5. Despite the problems brought by the pandemic, it has undeniably cultivated certain Filipino values. Because of the situation, family ties have been strengthened. Filipinos have valued more the presence of the family members and enjoy the time together. Also, the crisis made their faith to God stronger. Further, they have better realized the importance of proper hygiene, good nutrition, and a clean environment. This led to a positive habit formation that protects themselves and their loved ones. Truly, when viewed in a positive lens, this pandemic can bring out the best of Filipinos.a. Narrationb. Definitionc. Exemplificationd. Processe. Compare/Contrastf. Cause & Effectg. Classificationh. Description (good answer plss)


Lingguhang Pagsusulit sa Filipino 5 Panuto. Isulat ang tamang pangungusap ng balita sa ibaba upang mabuo ang diwa Piliin ang sagot sa kahon sa ibaba Bumuo ng isang mahusay na pamagat ng balita Pamagat: Sinabi sa kautusan ng DepEd kahapon na bagaman tinututulan ng ahensya ang pagsasagawa ng face-to-face EOSY, iminungkahi nito ang pagkakaroon ng virtual ceremony para sa mga magsisipagtapos. "Schools and CLCS (Community Learning Center) may prepare a short program that will run in less than two hours to consider the internet connectivity that will be consumed. Only the completers, their parents/guardians, teachers and school administrators will be present during the virtual rites" ayon sa DepEd. "Syempre kallangan talaga ay virtual dahil itong mga kabataan na ito ay wala pang proteksyon laban sa virus kahit sabihin pang may protocols Isipin talaga ang safety ng mga mag-aaral. Pagsang-ayon ni Gng. Catherine Ramos, punongguro ng Maharlika Elementary School. Sa naitalang School Calendar, magtatapos ang ikaapat na markahan sa hulyo 10, 2021, kung sa gayon, bibigyan ang mga paaralan at CLCs ng simula Hulyo 12 hanggang 16 para isagawa ang EOSY rites. YOU ICT Matatandaang unang nagsimula ng pagbubukas ng taong pamunu paaralan kaya naman pinapayagan silang magsagawa ng sarili niko maagang petsa Ang EOSY rites ay para sa mga mag-aaral sa kindergarten, grade 6 grade Alternative Leaming System (ALS) na nakapasa sa mga hinihinginu pampaaralan. A. In anunsyo ng Department of Education (DepEd) sa kanilang Meme na hindi papayagan ang pagsasagawa ng Face-to-Face End of t sa pampubliko at pribadong paaralan alinsunod sa alituntunin n (LATF) hinggil sa COVID-19 Pandemic. B. Dagdag pa ng DepEd, maaaring ganapin ang palatuntunang platform kung bibigyan pahintulot ng mga magulang at ma C. "Sa tingin ko, handa ang ating mag-aaral para sa EOSY. kadahilanan ang mga guro ay nakikipagtulungan sa m kahit papaano ang mga bata naman natin ay mabigy para sa kanila" Dagdag ni Ramos. D. May temang Kalidad ng Edukasyon Lalong (Strengthening the Quality of Education Amid the ngayong taon

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